Metamath Proof Explorer
Table of Contents - 20.3. Mathbox for Thierry Arnoux
- Propositional Calculus - misc additions
- bian1d
- or3di
- or3dir
- 3o1cs
- 3o2cs
- 3o3cs
- Predicate Calculus
- Predicate Calculus - misc additions
- Restricted quantification - misc additions
- Equality
- Double restricted existential uniqueness quantification
- Double restricted existential uniqueness quantification syntax
- Substitution (without distinct variables) - misc additions
- Existential "at most one" - misc additions
- Existential uniqueness - misc additions
- Restricted "at most one" - misc additions
- General Set Theory
- Class abstractions (a.k.a. class builders)
- Image Sets
- Set relations and operations - misc additions
- Unordered pairs
- Conditional operator - misc additions
- Set union
- Indexed union - misc additions
- Indexed intersection - misc additions
- Disjointness - misc additions
- Relations and Functions
- Relations - misc additions
- Functions - misc additions
- Operations - misc additions
- Explicit Functions with one or two points as a domain
- Isomorphisms - misc. add.
- Disjointness (additional proof requiring functions)
- First and second members of an ordered pair - misc additions
- Supremum - misc additions
- Finite Sets
- Countable Sets
- Real and Complex Numbers
- Complex operations - misc. additions
- Ordering on reals - misc additions
- Extended reals - misc additions
- Extended nonnegative integers - misc additions
- Real number intervals - misc additions
- Finite intervals of integers - misc additions
- Half-open integer ranges - misc additions
- The ` # ` (set size) function - misc additions
- The greatest common divisor operator - misc. add
- Integers
- Decimal numbers
- Decimal expansion
- cdp2
- df-dp2
- dp2eq1
- dp2eq2
- dp2eq1i
- dp2eq2i
- dp2eq12i
- dp20u
- dp20h
- dp2cl
- dp2clq
- rpdp2cl
- rpdp2cl2
- dp2lt10
- dp2lt
- dp2ltsuc
- dp2ltc
- Decimal point
- Division in the extended real number system
- Words over a set - misc additions
- wrdfd
- wrdres
- wrdsplex
- pfx1s2
- pfxrn2
- pfxrn3
- pfxf1
- s1f1
- s2rn
- s2f1
- s3rn
- s3f1
- s3clhash
- ccatf1
- pfxlsw2ccat
- wrdt2ind
- swrdrn2
- swrdrn3
- swrdf1
- swrdrndisj
- Splicing words (substring replacement)
- Cyclic shift of words
- Extensible Structures
- Structure restriction operator
- The opposite group
- Posets
- Complete lattices
- Order Theory
- Extended reals Structure - misc additions
- The extended nonnegative real numbers commutative monoid
- Algebra
- Monoids Homomorphisms
- Finitely supported group sums - misc additions
- Centralizers and centers - misc additions
- Totally ordered monoids and groups
- The symmetric group
- Transpositions
- Permutation Signs
- Permutation cycles
- The Alternating Group
- Signum in an ordered monoid
- The Archimedean property for generic ordered algebraic structures
- Semiring left modules
- Simple groups
- Rings - misc additions
- Subfields
- Totally ordered rings and fields
- Ring homomorphisms - misc additions
- Scalar restriction operation
- The commutative ring of gaussian integers
- The archimedean ordered field of real numbers
- The quotient map and quotient modules
- The ring of integers modulo ` N `
- Independent sets and families
- Subgroup sum / Sumset / Minkowski sum
- The quotient map
- Ideals
- Prime Ideals
- Maximal Ideals
- The semiring of ideals of a ring
- Prime Elements
- Unique factorization domains
- Associative algebras
- Univariate Polynomials
- The subring algebra
- Division Ring Extensions
- Vector Spaces
- Vector Space Dimension
- Field Extensions
- cfldext
- cfinext
- calgext
- cextdg
- df-fldext
- df-extdg
- df-finext
- df-algext
- relfldext
- brfldext
- ccfldextrr
- fldextfld1
- fldextfld2
- fldextsubrg
- fldextress
- brfinext
- extdgval
- fldextsralvec
- extdgcl
- extdggt0
- fldexttr
- fldextid
- extdgid
- extdgmul
- finexttrb
- extdg1id
- extdg1b
- fldextchr
- ccfldsrarelvec
- ccfldextdgrr
- Matrices
- Submatrices
- Matrix literals
- Laplace expansion of determinants
- Topology
- ist0cld
- Open maps
- Regular spaces
- Topology of the unit circle
- Refinements
- Open cover refinement property
- Lindelöf spaces
- Paracompact spaces
- Spectrum of a ring
- Pseudometrics
- Continuity - misc additions
- Topology of the closed unit interval
- Topology of ` ( RR X. RR ) `
- Order topology - misc. additions
- Continuity in topological spaces - misc. additions
- Topology of the extended nonnegative real numbers ordered monoid
- Limits - misc additions
- Univariate polynomials
- Uniform Stuctures and Spaces
- Hausdorff uniform completion
- Topology and algebraic structures
- The norm on the ring of the integer numbers
- Topological ` ZZ ` -modules
- Canonical embedding of the field of the rational numbers into a division ring
- Canonical embedding of the real numbers into a complete ordered field
- Embedding from the extended real numbers into a complete lattice
- Canonical embeddings into the ordered field of the real numbers
- Topological Manifolds
- Real and complex functions
- Integer powers - misc. additions
- Indicator Functions
- Extended sum
- Mixed Function/Constant operation
- cofc
- df-ofc
- ofceq
- ofcfval
- ofcval
- ofcfn
- ofcfeqd2
- ofcfval3
- ofcf
- ofcfval2
- ofcfval4
- ofcc
- ofcof
- Abstract measure
- Sigma-Algebra
- Generated sigma-Algebra
- lambda and pi-Systems, Rings of Sets
- The Borel algebra on the real numbers
- Product Sigma-Algebra
- Measures
- The counting measure
- The Lebesgue measure - misc additions
- The Dirac delta measure
- The 'almost everywhere' relation
- Measurable functions
- Borel Algebra on ` ( RR X. RR ) `
- Caratheodory's extension theorem
- Caratheodory's extension theorem: examples and applications
- Caratheodory's extension theorem: measure on RR ^ N
- Integration
- Lebesgue integral - misc additions
- Bochner integral
- Euler's partition theorem
- oddpwdc
- oddpwdcv
- eulerpartlemsv1
- eulerpartlemelr
- eulerpartlemsv2
- eulerpartlemsf
- eulerpartlems
- eulerpartlemsv3
- eulerpartlemgc
- eulerpartleme
- eulerpartlemv
- eulerpartlemo
- eulerpartlemd
- eulerpartlem1
- eulerpartlemb
- eulerpartlemt0
- eulerpartlemf
- eulerpartlemt
- eulerpartgbij
- eulerpartlemgv
- eulerpartlemr
- eulerpartlemmf
- eulerpartlemgvv
- eulerpartlemgu
- eulerpartlemgh
- eulerpartlemgf
- eulerpartlemgs2
- eulerpartlemn
- eulerpart
- Sequences defined by strong recursion
- csseq
- df-sseq
- subiwrd
- subiwrdlen
- iwrdsplit
- sseqval
- sseqfv1
- sseqfn
- sseqmw
- sseqf
- sseqfres
- sseqfv2
- sseqp1
- Fibonacci Numbers
- cfib
- df-fib
- fiblem
- fib0
- fib1
- fibp1
- fib2
- fib3
- fib4
- fib5
- fib6
- Probability
- Probability Theory
- Conditional Probabilities
- Real-valued Random Variables
- Preimage set mapping operator
- Distribution Functions
- Cumulative Distribution Functions
- Probabilities - example
- Bertrand's Ballot Problem
- Signum (sgn or sign) function - misc. additions
- sgncl
- sgnclre
- sgnneg
- sgn3da
- sgnmul
- sgnmulrp2
- sgnsub
- sgnnbi
- sgnpbi
- sgn0bi
- sgnsgn
- sgnmulsgn
- sgnmulsgp
- fzssfzo
- gsumncl
- gsumnunsn
- Operations on words
- Polynomials with real coefficients - misc additions
- plymul02
- plymulx0
- plymulx
- plyrecld
- signsplypnf
- signsply0
- Descartes's rule of signs
- Sign changes in a word over real numbers
- Counting sign changes in a word over real numbers
- Sign changes in a polynomial with real coefficients
- Number Theory
- efcld
- iblidicc
- rpsqrtcn
- divsqrtid
- cxpcncf1
- efmul2picn
- fct2relem
- ftc2re
- fdvposlt
- fdvneggt
- fdvposle
- fdvnegge
- prodfzo03
- actfunsnf1o
- actfunsnrndisj
- itgexpif
- fsum2dsub
- Representations of a number as sums of integers
- Vinogradov Trigonometric Sums and the Circle Method
- The Ternary Goldbach Conjecture: Final Statement
- Elementary Geometry
- Two-dimensional geometry
- Morley's Miracle
- Outer Five Segment (not used, no need to move to main)
- LeftPad Project
- clpad
- df-lpad
- lpadval
- lpadlem1
- lpadlem3
- lpadlen1
- lpadlem2
- lpadlen2
- lpadmax
- lpadleft
- lpadright