Metamath Proof Explorer
Table of Contents - 20.10.37. Geometry in the Euclidean space
- Congruence properties
- cofs
- df-ofs
- cgrrflx2d
- cgrtr4d
- cgrtr4and
- cgrrflx
- cgrrflxd
- cgrcomim
- cgrcom
- cgrcomand
- cgrtr
- cgrtrand
- cgrtr3
- cgrtr3and
- cgrcoml
- cgrcomr
- cgrcomlr
- cgrcomland
- cgrcomrand
- cgrcomlrand
- cgrtriv
- cgrid2
- cgrdegen
- brofs
- 5segofs
- ofscom
- cgrextend
- cgrextendand
- segconeq
- segconeu
- Betweenness properties
- btwntriv2
- btwncomim
- btwncom
- btwncomand
- btwntriv1
- btwnswapid
- btwnswapid2
- btwnintr
- btwnexch3
- btwnexch3and
- btwnouttr2
- btwnexch2
- btwnouttr
- btwnexch
- btwnexchand
- btwndiff
- trisegint
- Segment Transportation
- ctransport
- df-transport
- funtransport
- fvtransport
- transportcl
- transportprops
- Properties relating betweenness and congruence
- cifs
- ccgr3
- ccolin
- cfs
- df-colinear
- df-ifs
- df-cgr3
- df-fs
- brifs
- ifscgr
- cgrsub
- brcgr3
- cgr3permute3
- cgr3permute1
- cgr3permute2
- cgr3permute4
- cgr3permute5
- cgr3tr4
- cgr3com
- cgr3rflx
- cgrxfr
- btwnxfr
- colinrel
- brcolinear2
- brcolinear
- colinearex
- colineardim1
- colinearperm1
- colinearperm3
- colinearperm2
- colinearperm4
- colinearperm5
- colineartriv1
- colineartriv2
- btwncolinear1
- btwncolinear2
- btwncolinear3
- btwncolinear4
- btwncolinear5
- btwncolinear6
- colinearxfr
- lineext
- brofs2
- brifs2
- brfs
- fscgr
- linecgr
- linecgrand
- lineid
- idinside
- endofsegid
- endofsegidand
- Connectivity of betweenness
- btwnconn1lem1
- btwnconn1lem2
- btwnconn1lem3
- btwnconn1lem4
- btwnconn1lem5
- btwnconn1lem6
- btwnconn1lem7
- btwnconn1lem8
- btwnconn1lem9
- btwnconn1lem10
- btwnconn1lem11
- btwnconn1lem12
- btwnconn1lem13
- btwnconn1lem14
- btwnconn1
- btwnconn2
- btwnconn3
- midofsegid
- segcon2
- Segment less than or equal to
- csegle
- df-segle
- brsegle
- brsegle2
- seglecgr12im
- seglecgr12
- seglerflx
- seglemin
- segletr
- segleantisym
- seglelin
- btwnsegle
- colinbtwnle
- Outside-of relationship
- coutsideof
- df-outsideof
- broutsideof
- broutsideof2
- outsidene1
- outsidene2
- btwnoutside
- broutsideof3
- outsideofrflx
- outsideofcom
- outsideoftr
- outsideofeq
- outsideofeu
- outsidele
- outsideofcol
- Lines and Rays
- cline2
- cray
- clines2
- df-line2
- df-ray
- df-lines2
- funray
- fvray
- funline
- linedegen
- fvline
- liness
- fvline2
- lineunray
- lineelsb2
- linerflx1
- linecom
- linerflx2
- ellines
- linethru
- hilbert1.1
- hilbert1.2
- linethrueu
- lineintmo