Metamath Proof Explorer

Table of Contents - 20.10.37. Geometry in the Euclidean space

  1. Congruence properties
    1. cofs
    2. df-ofs
    3. cgrrflx2d
    4. cgrtr4d
    5. cgrtr4and
    6. cgrrflx
    7. cgrrflxd
    8. cgrcomim
    9. cgrcom
    10. cgrcomand
    11. cgrtr
    12. cgrtrand
    13. cgrtr3
    14. cgrtr3and
    15. cgrcoml
    16. cgrcomr
    17. cgrcomlr
    18. cgrcomland
    19. cgrcomrand
    20. cgrcomlrand
    21. cgrtriv
    22. cgrid2
    23. cgrdegen
    24. brofs
    25. 5segofs
    26. ofscom
    27. cgrextend
    28. cgrextendand
    29. segconeq
    30. segconeu
  2. Betweenness properties
    1. btwntriv2
    2. btwncomim
    3. btwncom
    4. btwncomand
    5. btwntriv1
    6. btwnswapid
    7. btwnswapid2
    8. btwnintr
    9. btwnexch3
    10. btwnexch3and
    11. btwnouttr2
    12. btwnexch2
    13. btwnouttr
    14. btwnexch
    15. btwnexchand
    16. btwndiff
    17. trisegint
  3. Segment Transportation
    1. ctransport
    2. df-transport
    3. funtransport
    4. fvtransport
    5. transportcl
    6. transportprops
  4. Properties relating betweenness and congruence
    1. cifs
    2. ccgr3
    3. ccolin
    4. cfs
    5. df-colinear
    6. df-ifs
    7. df-cgr3
    8. df-fs
    9. brifs
    10. ifscgr
    11. cgrsub
    12. brcgr3
    13. cgr3permute3
    14. cgr3permute1
    15. cgr3permute2
    16. cgr3permute4
    17. cgr3permute5
    18. cgr3tr4
    19. cgr3com
    20. cgr3rflx
    21. cgrxfr
    22. btwnxfr
    23. colinrel
    24. brcolinear2
    25. brcolinear
    26. colinearex
    27. colineardim1
    28. colinearperm1
    29. colinearperm3
    30. colinearperm2
    31. colinearperm4
    32. colinearperm5
    33. colineartriv1
    34. colineartriv2
    35. btwncolinear1
    36. btwncolinear2
    37. btwncolinear3
    38. btwncolinear4
    39. btwncolinear5
    40. btwncolinear6
    41. colinearxfr
    42. lineext
    43. brofs2
    44. brifs2
    45. brfs
    46. fscgr
    47. linecgr
    48. linecgrand
    49. lineid
    50. idinside
    51. endofsegid
    52. endofsegidand
  5. Connectivity of betweenness
    1. btwnconn1lem1
    2. btwnconn1lem2
    3. btwnconn1lem3
    4. btwnconn1lem4
    5. btwnconn1lem5
    6. btwnconn1lem6
    7. btwnconn1lem7
    8. btwnconn1lem8
    9. btwnconn1lem9
    10. btwnconn1lem10
    11. btwnconn1lem11
    12. btwnconn1lem12
    13. btwnconn1lem13
    14. btwnconn1lem14
    15. btwnconn1
    16. btwnconn2
    17. btwnconn3
    18. midofsegid
    19. segcon2
  6. Segment less than or equal to
    1. csegle
    2. df-segle
    3. brsegle
    4. brsegle2
    5. seglecgr12im
    6. seglecgr12
    7. seglerflx
    8. seglemin
    9. segletr
    10. segleantisym
    11. seglelin
    12. btwnsegle
    13. colinbtwnle
  7. Outside-of relationship
    1. coutsideof
    2. df-outsideof
    3. broutsideof
    4. broutsideof2
    5. outsidene1
    6. outsidene2
    7. btwnoutside
    8. broutsideof3
    9. outsideofrflx
    10. outsideofcom
    11. outsideoftr
    12. outsideofeq
    13. outsideofeu
    14. outsidele
    15. outsideofcol
  8. Lines and Rays
    1. cline2
    2. cray
    3. clines2
    4. df-line2
    5. df-ray
    6. df-lines2
    7. funray
    8. fvray
    9. funline
    10. linedegen
    11. fvline
    12. liness
    13. fvline2
    14. lineunray
    15. lineelsb2
    16. linerflx1
    17. linecom
    18. linerflx2
    19. ellines
    20. linethru
    21. hilbert1.1
    22. hilbert1.2
    23. linethrueu
    24. lineintmo