Metamath Proof Explorer

Table of Contents - Equinumerosity of sets of relations and maps

Because is an instance of the law of exponents: we are led to see that is true for any two sets, and , and thus there exist one-to-one onto relations between each of these three sets of relations.

  1. enrelmap
  2. enrelmapr
  3. enmappw
  4. enmappwid
  5. rfovd
  6. rfovfvd
  7. rfovfvfvd
  8. rfovcnvf1od
  9. rfovcnvd
  10. rfovf1od
  11. rfovcnvfvd
  12. fsovd
  13. fsovrfovd
  14. fsovfvd
  15. fsovfvfvd
  16. fsovfd
  17. fsovcnvlem
  18. fsovcnvd
  19. fsovcnvfvd
  20. fsovf1od
  21. dssmapfvd
  22. dssmapfv2d
  23. dssmapfv3d
  24. dssmapnvod
  25. dssmapf1od
  26. dssmap2d