Metamath Proof Explorer
Table of Contents - 20.33.4. Exploring Topology via Seifert and Threlfall
See Seifert and Threlfall: A Textbook Of Topology (1980) which is an English
translation of Lehrbuch der Topologie (1934).
- Equinumerosity of sets of relations and maps
- enrelmap
- enrelmapr
- enmappw
- enmappwid
- rfovd
- rfovfvd
- rfovfvfvd
- rfovcnvf1od
- rfovcnvd
- rfovf1od
- rfovcnvfvd
- fsovd
- fsovrfovd
- fsovfvd
- fsovfvfvd
- fsovfd
- fsovcnvlem
- fsovcnvd
- fsovcnvfvd
- fsovf1od
- dssmapfvd
- dssmapfv2d
- dssmapfv3d
- dssmapnvod
- dssmapf1od
- dssmap2d
- Generic Pseudoclosure Spaces, Pseudointerior Spaces, and Pseudoneighborhoods
- or3or
- andi3or
- uneqsn
- df3o2
- df3o3
- brfvimex
- brovmptimex
- brovmptimex1
- brovmptimex2
- brcoffn
- brcofffn
- brco2f1o
- brco3f1o
- ntrclsbex
- ntrclsrcomplex
- neik0imk0p
- ntrk2imkb
- ntrkbimka
- ntrk0kbimka
- clsk3nimkb
- clsk1indlem0
- clsk1indlem2
- clsk1indlem3
- clsk1indlem4
- clsk1indlem1
- clsk1independent
- neik0pk1imk0
- isotone1
- isotone2
- ntrk1k3eqk13
- ntrclsf1o
- ntrclsnvobr
- ntrclsiex
- ntrclskex
- ntrclsfv1
- ntrclsfv2
- ntrclselnel1
- ntrclselnel2
- ntrclsfv
- ntrclsfveq1
- ntrclsfveq2
- ntrclsfveq
- ntrclsss
- ntrclsneine0lem
- ntrclsneine0
- ntrclscls00
- ntrclsiso
- ntrclsk2
- ntrclskb
- ntrclsk3
- ntrclsk13
- ntrclsk4
- ntrneibex
- ntrneircomplex
- ntrneif1o
- ntrneiiex
- ntrneinex
- ntrneicnv
- ntrneifv1
- ntrneifv2
- ntrneiel
- ntrneifv3
- ntrneineine0lem
- ntrneineine1lem
- ntrneifv4
- ntrneiel2
- ntrneineine0
- ntrneineine1
- ntrneicls00
- ntrneicls11
- ntrneiiso
- ntrneik2
- ntrneix2
- ntrneikb
- ntrneixb
- ntrneik3
- ntrneix3
- ntrneik13
- ntrneix13
- ntrneik4w
- ntrneik4
- clsneibex
- clsneircomplex
- clsneif1o
- clsneicnv
- clsneikex
- clsneinex
- clsneiel1
- clsneiel2
- clsneifv3
- clsneifv4
- neicvgbex
- neicvgrcomplex
- neicvgf1o
- neicvgnvo
- neicvgnvor
- neicvgmex
- neicvgnex
- neicvgel1
- neicvgel2
- neicvgfv
- ntrrn
- ntrf
- ntrf2
- ntrelmap
- clsf2
- clselmap
- dssmapntrcls
- dssmapclsntr
- Generic Neighborhood Spaces
- gneispa
- gneispb
- gneispace2
- gneispace3
- gneispace
- gneispacef
- gneispacef2
- gneispacefun
- gneispacern
- gneispacern2
- gneispace0nelrn
- gneispace0nelrn2
- gneispace0nelrn3
- gneispaceel
- gneispaceel2
- gneispacess
- gneispacess2