Metamath Proof Explorer

Table of Contents - 20.46. Mathbox for David A. Wheeler

This is the mathbox of David A. Wheeler, dwheeler at dwheeler dot com. Among other things, I have added a number of formal definitions for widely-used functions, e.g., those defined in ISO 80000-2:2009(E) Quantities and units - Part 2: Mathematical signs and symbols used in the natural sciences and technology and the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions

  1. Simplify propositional expressions
  2. Natural deduction
    1. sbidd
    2. sbidd-misc
  3. Greater than, greater than or equal to.
    1. cge-real
    2. cgt
    3. df-gte
    4. df-gt
    5. gte-lte
    6. gt-lt
    7. gte-lteh
    8. gt-lth
    9. ex-gt
    10. ex-gte
  4. Hyperbolic trigonometric functions
    1. csinh
    2. ccosh
    3. ctanh
    4. df-sinh
    5. df-cosh
    6. df-tanh
    7. sinhval-named
    8. coshval-named
    9. tanhval-named
    10. sinh-conventional
    11. sinhpcosh
  5. Reciprocal trigonometric functions (sec, csc, cot)
    1. csec
    2. ccsc
    3. ccot
    4. df-sec
    5. df-csc
    6. df-cot
    7. secval
    8. cscval
    9. cotval
    10. seccl
    11. csccl
    12. cotcl
    13. reseccl
    14. recsccl
    15. recotcl
    16. recsec
    17. reccsc
    18. reccot
    19. rectan
    20. sec0
    21. onetansqsecsq
    22. cotsqcscsq
  6. Identities for "if"
    1. ifnmfalse
  7. Other functions
  8. Logarithms generalized to arbitrary base using ` logb `
    1. logb2aval
  9. Logarithm laws generalized to an arbitrary base - log_
    1. clog-
    2. df-logbALT
  10. Gottlob Frege's work: _Begriffsschrift_ and _Grundgesetze der Arithmetik_
  11. Formally define notions such as reflexivity
    1. wreflexive
    2. df-reflexive
    3. wirreflexive
    4. df-irreflexive
  12. Algebra helpers
    1. comraddi
    2. mvlraddi
    3. mvrladdi
    4. assraddsubi
    5. joinlmuladdmuli
    6. joinlmulsubmuld
    7. joinlmulsubmuli
    8. mvlrmuld
    9. mvlrmuli
  13. Algebra helper examples
    1. i2linesi
    2. i2linesd
  14. Formal methods "surprises"
    1. alimp-surprise
    2. alimp-no-surprise
    3. empty-surprise
    4. empty-surprise2
    5. eximp-surprise
    6. eximp-surprise2
  15. Allsome quantifier
    1. walsi
    2. walsc
    3. df-alsi
    4. df-alsc
    5. alsconv
    6. alsi1d
    7. alsi2d
    8. alsc1d
    9. alsc2d
    10. alscn0d
    11. alsi-no-surprise
  16. Miscellaneous
    1. 5m4e1
    2. 2p2ne5
    3. resolution
    4. testable
  17. Theorems about algebraic numbers
    1. aacllem
  18. Other results
  19. Examples