Metamath Proof Explorer
- Mathboxes for user contributions
- Mathbox guidelines
- Mathbox for Stefan Allan
- sa-abvi
- xfree
- xfree2
- addltmulALT
- Mathbox for Thierry Arnoux
- Propositional Calculus - misc additions
- Predicate Calculus
- General Set Theory
- Relations and Functions
- Real and Complex Numbers
- Decimal expansion
- Words over a set - misc additions
- Extensible Structures
- Algebra
- Field Extensions
- Matrices
- Topology
- Uniform Stuctures and Spaces
- Topology and algebraic structures
- Real and complex functions
- Mixed Function/Constant operation
- Abstract measure
- Integration
- Euler's partition theorem
- Sequences defined by strong recursion
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Probability
- Signum (sgn or sign) function - misc. additions
- Polynomials with real coefficients - misc additions
- Descartes's rule of signs
- Number Theory
- Elementary Geometry
- LeftPad Project
- Mathbox for Jonathan Ben-Naim
- w-bnj17
- df-bnj17
- c-bnj14
- df-bnj14
- w-bnj13
- df-bnj13
- w-bnj15
- df-bnj15
- c-bnj18
- df-bnj18
- w-bnj19
- df-bnj19
- First-order logic and set theory
- Well founded induction and recursion
- The existence of a minimal element in certain classes
- Well-founded induction
- Well-founded recursion, part 1 of 3
- Well-founded recursion, part 2 of 3
- Well-founded recursion, part 3 of 3
- Mathbox for BTernaryTau
- ZF set theory
- Real and complex numbers
- Graph theory
- Mathbox for Mario Carneiro
- Predicate calculus with all distinct variables
- Miscellaneous stuff
- Derangements and the Subfactorial
- The Erdős-Szekeres theorem
- Euler's partition theorem
- The Kuratowski closure-complement theorem
- Retracts and sections
- Path-connected and simply connected spaces
- Covering maps
- Normal numbers
- Compactification
- Godel-sets of formulas - part 1
- Godel-sets of formulas - part 2
- Models of ZF
- Metamath formal systems
- Grammatical formal systems
- Models of formal systems
- Splitting fields
- p-adic number fields
- Mathbox for Filip Cernatescu
- problem1
- problem2
- problem3
- problem4
- problem5
- quad3
- Mathbox for Paul Chapman
- Propositional calculus
- Prime numbers
- Finite set induction
- The ` # ` (set size) function
- Real and complex numbers (cont.)
- Miscellaneous theorems
- Mathbox for Drahflow
- Mathbox for Scott Fenton
- ZFC Axioms in primitive form
- Untangled classes
- Extra propositional calculus theorems
- Misc. Useful Theorems
- Properties of real and complex numbers
- Infinite products
- Factorial limits
- Greatest common divisor and divisibility
- Properties of relationships
- Properties of functions and mappings
- Set induction (or epsilon induction)
- Ordinal numbers
- Defined equality axioms
- Hypothesis builders
- (Trans)finite Recursion Theorems
- Well-Founded Induction
- Ordering Cross Products, Part 2
- Ordering Ordinal Sequences
- Well-founded zero, successor, and limits
- Natural operations on ordinals
- Surreal Numbers
- Surreal Numbers: Ordering
- Surreal Numbers: Birthday Function
- Surreal Numbers: Density
- Surreal Numbers: Full-Eta Property
- Surreal numbers - ordering theorems
- Surreal numbers - birthday theorems
- Surreal numbers: Conway cuts
- Surreal numbers - zero and one
- Surreal numbers - cuts and options
- Surreal numbers: Cofinality and coinitiality
- Surreal numbers: Induction and recursion on one variable
- Surreal numbers: Induction and recursion on two variables
- Surreal numbers - addition, negation, and subtraction
- Quantifier-free definitions
- Alternate ordered pairs
- Geometry in the Euclidean space
- Forward difference
- Rank theorems
- Hereditarily Finite Sets
- Mathbox for Jeff Hankins
- Miscellany
- Basic topological facts
- Topology of the real numbers
- Refinements
- Neighborhood bases determine topologies
- Lattice structure of topologies
- Filter bases
- Directed sets, nets
- Mathbox for Anthony Hart
- Propositional Calculus
- Predicate Calculus
- Miscellaneous single axioms
- Connective Symmetry
- Mathbox for Chen-Pang He
- Ordinal topology
- Mathbox for Jeff Hoffman
- Inferences for finite induction on generic function values
- Mathbox for Asger C. Ipsen
- Continuous nowhere differentiable functions
- Mathbox for BJ
- Propositional calculus
- Modal logic
- Provability logic
- First-order logic
- Set theory
- Extended real and complex numbers, real and complex projective lines
- Monoids
- Affine, Euclidean, and Cartesian geometry
- Monoid of endomorphisms
- Mathbox for Jim Kingdon
- Circle constant
- Number theory
- Real numbers
- Mathbox for ML
- Miscellaneous
- Cartesian exponentiation
- Topology
- Mathbox for Wolf Lammen
- wl-section-prop
- ax-luk1
- ax-luk2
- ax-luk3
- 1. Bootstrapping
- Implication chains
- Theorems around the conditional operator
- Alternative development of hadd, cadd
- An alternative axiom ~ ax-13
- Other stuff
- Mathbox for Brendan Leahy
- rabiun
- iundif1
- imadifss
- cureq
- unceq
- curf
- uncf
- curfv
- uncov
- curunc
- unccur
- phpreu
- finixpnum
- fin2solem
- fin2so
- ltflcei
- leceifl
- sin2h
- cos2h
- tan2h
- lindsadd
- lindsdom
- lindsenlbs
- matunitlindflem1
- matunitlindflem2
- matunitlindf
- ptrest
- ptrecube
- poimirlem1
- poimirlem2
- poimirlem3
- poimirlem4
- poimirlem5
- poimirlem6
- poimirlem7
- poimirlem8
- poimirlem9
- poimirlem10
- poimirlem11
- poimirlem12
- poimirlem13
- poimirlem14
- poimirlem15
- poimirlem16
- poimirlem17
- poimirlem18
- poimirlem19
- poimirlem20
- poimirlem21
- poimirlem22
- poimirlem23
- poimirlem24
- poimirlem25
- poimirlem26
- poimirlem27
- poimirlem28
- poimirlem29
- poimirlem30
- poimirlem31
- poimirlem32
- poimir
- broucube
- heicant
- opnmbllem0
- mblfinlem1
- mblfinlem2
- mblfinlem3
- mblfinlem4
- ismblfin
- ovoliunnfl
- ex-ovoliunnfl
- voliunnfl
- volsupnfl
- mbfresfi
- mbfposadd
- cnambfre
- dvtanlem
- dvtan
- itg2addnclem
- itg2addnclem2
- itg2addnclem3
- itg2addnc
- itg2gt0cn
- ibladdnclem
- ibladdnc
- itgaddnclem1
- itgaddnclem2
- itgaddnc
- iblsubnc
- itgsubnc
- iblabsnclem
- iblabsnc
- iblmulc2nc
- itgmulc2nclem1
- itgmulc2nclem2
- itgmulc2nc
- itgabsnc
- itggt0cn
- ftc1cnnclem
- ftc1cnnc
- ftc1anclem1
- ftc1anclem2
- ftc1anclem3
- ftc1anclem4
- ftc1anclem5
- ftc1anclem6
- ftc1anclem7
- ftc1anclem8
- ftc1anc
- ftc2nc
- asindmre
- dvasin
- dvacos
- dvreasin
- dvreacos
- areacirclem1
- areacirclem2
- areacirclem3
- areacirclem4
- areacirclem5
- areacirc
- Mathbox for Jeff Madsen
- Logic and set theory
- Real and complex numbers; integers
- Sequences and sums
- Topology
- Metric spaces
- Continuous maps and homeomorphisms
- Boundedness
- Isometries
- Heine-Borel Theorem
- Banach Fixed Point Theorem
- Euclidean space
- Intervals (continued)
- Operation properties
- Groups and related structures
- Group homomorphism and isomorphism
- Rings
- Division Rings
- Ring homomorphisms
- Commutative rings
- Ideals
- Prime rings and integral domains
- Ideal generators
- Mathbox for Giovanni Mascellani
- Tools for automatic proof building
- Tseitin axioms
- Equality deductions
- Miscellanea
- Mathbox for Peter Mazsa
- Notations
- Preparatory theorems
- Range Cartesian product
- Cosets by ` R `
- Relations
- Subset relations
- Reflexivity
- Converse reflexivity
- Symmetry
- Reflexivity and symmetry
- Transitivity
- Equivalence relations
- Redundancy
- Domain quotients
- Equivalence relations on domain quotients
- Functions
- Disjoints vs. converse functions
- Mathbox for Rodolfo Medina
- Partitions
- Mathbox for Norm Megill
- Predicate calculus with equality: Older axiomatization (1 rule, 14 schemes)
- Obsolete schemes ax-c4,c5,c7,c10,c11,c11n,c15,c9,c14,c16
- Rederive new axioms ax-4, ax-10, ax-6, ax-12, ax-13 from old
- Legacy theorems using obsolete axioms
- Experiments with weak deduction theorem
- Miscellanea
- Atoms, hyperplanes, and covering in a left vector space (or module)
- Functionals and kernels of a left vector space (or module)
- Opposite rings and dual vector spaces
- Ortholattices and orthomodular lattices
- Atomic lattices with covering property
- Hilbert lattices
- Projective geometries based on Hilbert lattices
- Construction of a vector space from a Hilbert lattice
- Construction of involution and inner product from a Hilbert lattice
- Mathbox for metakunt
- General helpful statements
- Some gcd and lcm results
- Least common multiple inequality theorem
- Logarithm inequalities
- Miscellaneous results for AKS formalisation
- Sticks and stones
- Permutation results
- Unused lemmas scheduled for deletion
- Mathbox for Steven Nguyen
- Miscellaneous theorems
- Utility theorems
- Structures
- Arithmetic theorems
- Exponents and divisibility
- Real subtraction
- Projective spaces
- Basic reductions for Fermat's Last Theorem
- Mathbox for Igor Ieskov
- binom2d
- cu3addd
- sqnegd
- negexpidd
- rexlimdv3d
- 3cubeslem1
- 3cubeslem2
- 3cubeslem3l
- 3cubeslem3r
- 3cubeslem3
- 3cubeslem4
- 3cubes
- Mathbox for Larry Lesyna
- Mathbox for OpenAI
- rntrclfvOAI
- Mathbox for Stefan O'Rear
- Additional elementary logic and set theory
- Additional theory of functions
- Additional topology
- Characterization of closure operators. Kuratowski closure axioms
- Algebraic closure systems
- Miscellanea 1. Map utilities
- Miscellanea for polynomials
- Multivariate polynomials over the integers
- Miscellanea for Diophantine sets 1
- Diophantine sets 1: definitions
- Diophantine sets 2 miscellanea
- Diophantine sets 2: union and intersection. Monotone Boolean algebra
- Diophantine sets 3: construction
- Diophantine sets 4 miscellanea
- Diophantine sets 4: Quantification
- Diophantine sets 5: Arithmetic sets
- Diophantine sets 6: reusability. renumbering of variables
- Pigeonhole Principle and cardinality helpers
- A non-closed set of reals is infinite
- Lagrange's rational approximation theorem
- Pell equations 1: A nontrivial solution always exists
- Pell equations 2: Algebraic number theory of the solution set
- Pell equations 3: characterizing fundamental solution
- Logarithm laws generalized to an arbitrary base
- Pell equations 4: the positive solution group is infinite cyclic
- X and Y sequences 1: Definition and recurrence laws
- Ordering and induction lemmas for the integers
- X and Y sequences 2: Order properties
- Congruential equations
- Alternating congruential equations
- Additional theorems on integer divisibility
- X and Y sequences 3: Divisibility properties
- X and Y sequences 4: Diophantine representability of Y
- X and Y sequences 5: Diophantine representability of X, ^, _C
- Uncategorized stuff not associated with a major project
- More equivalents of the Axiom of Choice
- Finitely generated left modules
- Noetherian left modules I
- Addenda for structure powers
- Every set admits a group structure iff choice
- Noetherian rings and left modules II
- Hilbert's Basis Theorem
- Additional material on polynomials [DEPRECATED]
- Degree and minimal polynomial of algebraic numbers
- Algebraic integers I
- The determinant / matrix adjugate/adjunct
- Endomorphism algebra
- The class equation
- Cyclic groups and order
- Cyclotomic polynomials
- Wedderburn's little theorem
- Hybrid categories proposal
- Miscellaneous topology
- Mathbox for Jon Pennant
- iocunico
- iocinico
- iocmbl
- cnioobibld
- arearect
- areaquad
- Mathbox for Richard Penner
- Short Studies
- Additional statements on relations and subclasses
- Propositions from _Begriffsschrift_
- Exploring Topology via Seifert and Threlfall
- Exploring Higher Homotopy via Kerodon
- Mathbox for Stanislas Polu
- inductionexd
- IMO Problems
- INT Inequalities Proof Generator
- N-Digit Addition Proof Generator
- AM-GM (for k = 2,3,4)
- Mathbox for Rohan Ridenour
- Misc
- Monoid rings
- Shorter primitive equivalent of ax-groth
- Mathbox for Steve Rodriguez
- Miscellanea
- Ratio test for infinite series convergence and divergence
- Multiples
- Function operations
- Calculus
- The generalized binomial coefficient operation
- Binomial series
- Mathbox for Andrew Salmon
- Principia Mathematica * 10
- Principia Mathematica * 11
- Predicate Calculus
- Principia Mathematica * 13 and * 14
- Set Theory
- Arithmetic
- Geometry
- Mathbox for Alan Sare
- Auxiliary theorems for the Virtual Deduction tool
- Supplementary unification deductions
- Conventional Metamath proofs, some derived from VD proofs
- What is Virtual Deduction?
- Virtual Deduction Theorems
- Theorems proved using Virtual Deduction
- Theorems proved using Virtual Deduction with mmj2 assistance
- Virtual Deduction transcriptions of textbook proofs
- Theorems proved using conjunction-form Virtual Deduction
- Theorems with a VD proof in conventional notation derived from a VD proof
- Theorems with a proof in conventional notation derived from a VD proof
- Mathbox for Glauco Siliprandi
- Miscellanea
- Functions
- Ordering on real numbers - Real and complex numbers basic operations
- Real intervals
- Finite sums
- Finite multiplication of numbers and finite multiplication of functions
- Limits
- Trigonometry
- Continuous Functions
- Derivatives
- Integrals
- Stone Weierstrass theorem - real version
- Wallis' product for π
- Stirling's approximation formula for ` n ` factorial
- Dirichlet kernel
- Fourier Series
- e is transcendental
- n-dimensional Euclidean space
- Basic measure theory
- Mathbox for Saveliy Skresanov
- Ceva's theorem
- Simple groups
- Mathbox for Jarvin Udandy
- hirstL-ax3
- ax3h
- aibandbiaiffaiffb
- aibandbiaiaiffb
- notatnand
- aistia
- aisfina
- bothtbothsame
- bothfbothsame
- aiffbbtat
- aisbbisfaisf
- axorbtnotaiffb
- aiffnbandciffatnotciffb
- axorbciffatcxorb
- aibnbna
- aibnbaif
- aiffbtbat
- astbstanbst
- aistbistaandb
- aisbnaxb
- atbiffatnnb
- bisaiaisb
- atbiffatnnbalt
- abnotbtaxb
- abnotataxb
- conimpf
- conimpfalt
- aistbisfiaxb
- aisfbistiaxb
- aifftbifffaibif
- aifftbifffaibifff
- atnaiana
- ainaiaandna
- abcdta
- abcdtb
- abcdtc
- abcdtd
- abciffcbatnabciffncba
- abciffcbatnabciffncbai
- nabctnabc
- jabtaib
- onenotinotbothi
- twonotinotbothi
- clifte
- cliftet
- clifteta
- cliftetb
- confun
- confun2
- confun3
- confun4
- confun5
- plcofph
- pldofph
- plvcofph
- plvcofphax
- plvofpos
- mdandyv0
- mdandyv1
- mdandyv2
- mdandyv3
- mdandyv4
- mdandyv5
- mdandyv6
- mdandyv7
- mdandyv8
- mdandyv9
- mdandyv10
- mdandyv11
- mdandyv12
- mdandyv13
- mdandyv14
- mdandyv15
- mdandyvr0
- mdandyvr1
- mdandyvr2
- mdandyvr3
- mdandyvr4
- mdandyvr5
- mdandyvr6
- mdandyvr7
- mdandyvr8
- mdandyvr9
- mdandyvr10
- mdandyvr11
- mdandyvr12
- mdandyvr13
- mdandyvr14
- mdandyvr15
- mdandyvrx0
- mdandyvrx1
- mdandyvrx2
- mdandyvrx3
- mdandyvrx4
- mdandyvrx5
- mdandyvrx6
- mdandyvrx7
- mdandyvrx8
- mdandyvrx9
- mdandyvrx10
- mdandyvrx11
- mdandyvrx12
- mdandyvrx13
- mdandyvrx14
- mdandyvrx15
- H15NH16TH15IH16
- dandysum2p2e4
- mdandysum2p2e4
- Mathbox for Adhemar
- adh-jarrsc
- Minimal implicational calculus
- Mathbox for Alexander van der Vekens
- General auxiliary theorems (1)
- Alternative for Russell's definition of a description binder
- Double restricted existential uniqueness
- Alternative definitions of function and operation values
- Alternative definitions of function values (2)
- General auxiliary theorems (2)
- Preimages of function values
- Partitions of real intervals
- Shifting functions with an integer range domain
- Words over a set (extension)
- Unordered pairs
- Number theory (extension)
- Even and odd numbers
- Number theory (extension 2)
- Graph theory (extension)
- Monoids (extension)
- Magmas and internal binary operations (alternate approach)
- Categories (extension)
- Rings (extension)
- Basic algebraic structures (extension)
- Linear algebra (extension)
- Complexity theory
- Elementary geometry (extension)
- Mathbox for Zhi Wang
- Propositional calculus
- Predicate calculus with equality
- ZF Set Theory - start with the Axiom of Extensionality
- ZF Set Theory - add the Axiom of Replacement
- ZF Set Theory - add the Axiom of Power Sets
- ZF Set Theory - add the Axiom of Union
- Order sets
- Moore spaces
- Topology
- Preordered sets and directed sets using extensible structures
- Posets and lattices using extensible structures
- Categories
- Examples of categories
- Mathbox for Emmett Weisz
- Miscellaneous Theorems
- Set Recursion
- Construction of Games and Surreal Numbers
- Mathbox for David A. Wheeler
- Simplify propositional expressions
- Natural deduction
- Greater than, greater than or equal to.
- Hyperbolic trigonometric functions
- Reciprocal trigonometric functions (sec, csc, cot)
- Identities for "if"
- Other functions
- Logarithms generalized to arbitrary base using ` logb `
- Logarithm laws generalized to an arbitrary base - log_
- Gottlob Frege's work: _Begriffsschrift_ and _Grundgesetze der Arithmetik_
- Formally define notions such as reflexivity
- Algebra helpers
- Algebra helper examples
- Formal methods "surprises"
- Allsome quantifier
- Miscellaneous
- Theorems about algebraic numbers
- Other results
- Examples
- Mathbox for Kunhao Zheng
- Weighted AM-GM inequality
- Mathbox for Ender Ting
- Increasing sequences and subsequences