Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem abid1

Description: Every class is equal to a class abstraction (the class of sets belonging to it). Theorem 5.2 of Quine p. 35. This is a generalization to classes of cvjust . The proof does not rely on cvjust , so cvjust could be proved as a special instance of it. Note however that abid1 necessarily relies on df-clel , whereas cvjust does not.

This theorem requires ax-ext , df-clab , df-cleq , df-clel , but to prove that any specific class term not containing class variables is a setvar or is equal to a class abstraction does not require these $a-statements. This last fact is a metatheorem, consequence of the fact that the only $a-statements with typecode class are cv , cab , and statements corresponding to defined class constructors.

Note on the simultaneous presence in of this abid1 and its commuted form abid2 : It is rare that two forms so closely related both appear in Indeed, such equalities are generally used in later proofs as parts of transitive inferences, and with the many variants of eqtri (search for *eqtr*), it would be rare that either one would shorten a proof compared to the other. There is typically a choice between what we call a "definitional form", where the shorter expression is on the LHS (left-hand side), and a "computational form", where the shorter expression is on the RHS (right-hand side). An example is df-2 versus 1p1e2 . We do not need 1p1e2 , but because it occurs "naturally" in computations, it can be useful to have it directly, together with a uniform set of 1-digit operations like 1p2e3 , etc. In most cases, we do not need both a definitional and a computational forms. A definitional form would favor consistency with genuine definitions, while a computational form is often more natural. The situation is similar with biconditionals in propositional calculus: see for instance pm4.24 and anidm , while other biconditionals generally appear in a single form (either definitional, but more often computational). In the present case, the equality is important enough that both abid1 and abid2 are in

(Contributed by NM, 26-Dec-1993) (Revised by BJ, 10-Nov-2020)

Ref Expression
Assertion abid1
|- A = { x | x e. A }


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 biid
 |-  ( x e. A <-> x e. A )
2 1 abbi2i
 |-  A = { x | x e. A }