Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem barbara

Description: "Barbara", one of the fundamental syllogisms of Aristotelian logic. All ph is ps , and all ch is ph , therefore all ch is ps . In Aristotelian notation, AAA-1: MaP and SaM therefore SaP. For example, given "All men are mortal" and "Socrates is a man", we can prove "Socrates is mortal". If H is the set of men, M is the set of mortal beings, and S is Socrates, these word phrases can be represented as A. x ( x e. H -> x e. M ) (all men are mortal) and A. x ( x = S -> x e. H ) (Socrates is a man) therefore A. x ( x = S -> x e. M ) (Socrates is mortal). Russell and Whitehead note that "the syllogism in Barbara is derived from [[ syl ]" (quote after Theorem *2.06 of WhiteheadRussell p. 101). Most of the proof is in alsyl . There are a legion of sources for Barbara, including , , and . (Contributed by David A. Wheeler, 24-Aug-2016)

Ref Expression
Hypotheses barbara.maj
|- A. x ( ph -> ps )
|- A. x ( ch -> ph )
Assertion barbara
|- A. x ( ch -> ps )


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 barbara.maj
 |-  A. x ( ph -> ps )
2 barbara.min
 |-  A. x ( ch -> ph )
3 alsyl
 |-  ( ( A. x ( ch -> ph ) /\ A. x ( ph -> ps ) ) -> A. x ( ch -> ps ) )
4 2 1 3 mp2an
 |-  A. x ( ch -> ps )