Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem dedth2v

Description: Weak deduction theorem for eliminating a hypothesis with 2 class variables. Note: if the hypothesis can be separated into two hypotheses, each with one class variable, then dedth2h is simpler to use. See also comments in dedth . (Contributed by NM, 13-Aug-1999) (Proof shortened by Eric Schmidt, 28-Jul-2009)

Ref Expression
Hypotheses dedth2v.1
|- ( A = if ( ph , A , C ) -> ( ps <-> ch ) )
|- ( B = if ( ph , B , D ) -> ( ch <-> th ) )
|- th
Assertion dedth2v
|- ( ph -> ps )


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 dedth2v.1
 |-  ( A = if ( ph , A , C ) -> ( ps <-> ch ) )
2 dedth2v.2
 |-  ( B = if ( ph , B , D ) -> ( ch <-> th ) )
3 dedth2v.3
 |-  th
4 1 2 3 dedth2h
 |-  ( ( ph /\ ph ) -> ps )
5 4 anidms
 |-  ( ph -> ps )