Metamath Proof Explorer

Definition df-hl

Description: Define the class of all subcomplex Hilbert spaces. A subcomplex Hilbert space is a Banach space which is also an inner product space over a subfield of the field of complex numbers closed under square roots of nonnegative reals. (Contributed by Steve Rodriguez, 28-Apr-2007)

Ref Expression
Assertion df-hl
|- CHil = ( Ban i^i CPreHil )

Detailed syntax breakdown

Step Hyp Ref Expression
0 chl
 |-  CHil
1 cbn
 |-  Ban
2 ccph
 |-  CPreHil
3 1 2 cin
 |-  ( Ban i^i CPreHil )
4 0 3 wceq
 |-  CHil = ( Ban i^i CPreHil )