Metamath Proof Explorer

Definition df-mre

Description: Define aMoore collection, which is a family of subsets of a base set which preserve arbitrary intersection. Elements of a Moore collection are termedclosed; Moore collections generalize the notion of closedness from topologies ( cldmre ) and vector spaces ( lssmre ) to the most general setting in which such concepts make sense. Definition of Moore collection of sets in Schechter p. 78. A Moore collection may also be called aclosure system (Section 0.6 in Gratzer p. 23.) The nameMoore collection is after Eliakim Hastings Moore, who discussed these systems in Part I of Moore p. 53 to 76.

See ismre , mresspw , mre1cl and mreintcl for the major properties of a Moore collection. Note that a Moore collection uniquely determines its base set ( mreuni ); as such the disjoint union of all Moore collections is sometimes considered as U. ran Moore , justified by mreunirn . (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 30-Jan-2015) (Revised by David Moews, 1-May-2017)

Ref Expression
Assertion df-mre
|- Moore = ( x e. _V |-> { c e. ~P ~P x | ( x e. c /\ A. s e. ~P c ( s =/= (/) -> |^| s e. c ) ) } )

Detailed syntax breakdown

Step Hyp Ref Expression
0 cmre
 |-  Moore
1 vx
 |-  x
2 cvv
 |-  _V
3 vc
 |-  c
4 1 cv
 |-  x
5 4 cpw
 |-  ~P x
6 5 cpw
 |-  ~P ~P x
7 3 cv
 |-  c
8 4 7 wcel
 |-  x e. c
9 vs
 |-  s
10 7 cpw
 |-  ~P c
11 9 cv
 |-  s
12 c0
 |-  (/)
13 11 12 wne
 |-  s =/= (/)
14 11 cint
 |-  |^| s
15 14 7 wcel
 |-  |^| s e. c
16 13 15 wi
 |-  ( s =/= (/) -> |^| s e. c )
17 16 9 10 wral
 |-  A. s e. ~P c ( s =/= (/) -> |^| s e. c )
18 8 17 wa
 |-  ( x e. c /\ A. s e. ~P c ( s =/= (/) -> |^| s e. c ) )
19 18 3 6 crab
 |-  { c e. ~P ~P x | ( x e. c /\ A. s e. ~P c ( s =/= (/) -> |^| s e. c ) ) }
20 1 2 19 cmpt
 |-  ( x e. _V |-> { c e. ~P ~P x | ( x e. c /\ A. s e. ~P c ( s =/= (/) -> |^| s e. c ) ) } )
21 0 20 wceq
 |-  Moore = ( x e. _V |-> { c e. ~P ~P x | ( x e. c /\ A. s e. ~P c ( s =/= (/) -> |^| s e. c ) ) } )