Metamath Proof Explorer

Definition df-rmo

Description: Define restricted "at most one".

Note: This notation is most often used to express that ph holds for at most one element of a given class A . For this reading F/_ x A is required, though, for example, asserted when x and A are disjoint.

Should instead A depend on x , you rather assert at most one x fulfilling ph happens to be contained in the corresponding A ( x ) . This interpretation is rarely needed (see also df-ral ). (Contributed by NM, 16-Jun-2017)

Ref Expression
Assertion df-rmo
|- ( E* x e. A ph <-> E* x ( x e. A /\ ph ) )

Detailed syntax breakdown

Step Hyp Ref Expression
0 vx
 |-  x
1 cA
 |-  A
2 wph
 |-  ph
3 2 0 1 wrmo
 |-  E* x e. A ph
4 0 cv
 |-  x
5 4 1 wcel
 |-  x e. A
6 5 2 wa
 |-  ( x e. A /\ ph )
7 6 0 wmo
 |-  E* x ( x e. A /\ ph )
8 3 7 wb
 |-  ( E* x e. A ph <-> E* x ( x e. A /\ ph ) )