Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem re0g

Description: The neutral element of the field of reals. (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 1-Nov-2017)

Ref Expression
Assertion re0g
|- 0 = ( 0g ` RRfld )


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 cncrng
 |-  CCfld e. CRing
2 crngring
 |-  ( CCfld e. CRing -> CCfld e. Ring )
3 ringmnd
 |-  ( CCfld e. Ring -> CCfld e. Mnd )
4 1 2 3 mp2b
 |-  CCfld e. Mnd
5 0re
 |-  0 e. RR
6 ax-resscn
 |-  RR C_ CC
7 df-refld
 |-  RRfld = ( CCfld |`s RR )
8 cnfldbas
 |-  CC = ( Base ` CCfld )
9 cnfld0
 |-  0 = ( 0g ` CCfld )
10 7 8 9 ress0g
 |-  ( ( CCfld e. Mnd /\ 0 e. RR /\ RR C_ CC ) -> 0 = ( 0g ` RRfld ) )
11 4 5 6 10 mp3an
 |-  0 = ( 0g ` RRfld )