Metamath Proof Explorer

Axiom ax-cc

Description: The axiom of countable choice (CC), also known as the axiom of denumerable choice. It is clearly a special case of ac5 , but is weak enough that it can be proven using DC (see axcc ). It is, however, strictly stronger than ZF and cannot be proven in ZF. It states that any countable collection of nonempty sets must have a choice function. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 9-Feb-2013)

Ref Expression
Assertion ax-cc x ω f z x z f z z

Detailed syntax breakdown

Step Hyp Ref Expression
0 vx setvar x
1 0 cv setvar x
2 cen class
3 com class ω
4 1 3 2 wbr wff x ω
5 vf setvar f
6 vz setvar z
7 6 cv setvar z
8 c0 class
9 7 8 wne wff z
10 5 cv setvar f
11 7 10 cfv class f z
12 11 7 wcel wff f z z
13 9 12 wi wff z f z z
14 13 6 1 wral wff z x z f z z
15 14 5 wex wff f z x z f z z
16 4 15 wi wff x ω f z x z f z z