Description: Define the set of all closed walks a graph g , anchored at a fixed vertex v (i.e., a walk starting and ending at the fixed vertex v , also called "a closed walk on vertex v ") and having a fixed length n as words over the set of vertices. Such a word corresponds to the sequence v=p(0) p(1) ... p(n-1) of the vertices in a closed walk p(0) e(f(1)) p(1) e(f(2)) ... p(n-1) e(f(n)) p(n)=p(0)=v as defined in df-clwlks . The set ( ( v ( ClWWalksNOng ) n ) corresponds to the set of "walks from v to v of length n" in a statement of Huneke p. 2. (Contributed by AV, 24-Feb-2022)