Metamath Proof Explorer

Definition df-z

Description: Define the set of integers, which are the positive and negative integers together with zero. Definition of integers in Apostol p. 22. The letter Z abbreviates the German word Zahlen meaning "numbers." (Contributed by NM, 8-Jan-2002)

Ref Expression
Assertion df-z = n | n = 0 n n

Detailed syntax breakdown

Step Hyp Ref Expression
0 cz class
1 vn setvar n
2 cr class
3 1 cv setvar n
4 cc0 class 0
5 3 4 wceq wff n = 0
6 cn class
7 3 6 wcel wff n
8 3 cneg class n
9 8 6 wcel wff n
10 5 7 9 w3o wff n = 0 n n
11 10 1 2 crab class n | n = 0 n n
12 0 11 wceq wff = n | n = 0 n n