Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem lssmre

Description: The subspaces of a module comprise a Moore system on the vectors of the module. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 31-Jan-2015)

Ref Expression
Hypotheses lssacs.b B = Base W
lssacs.s S = LSubSp W
Assertion lssmre W LMod S Moore B


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 lssacs.b B = Base W
2 lssacs.s S = LSubSp W
3 1 2 lssss a S a B
4 velpw a 𝒫 B a B
5 3 4 sylibr a S a 𝒫 B
6 5 a1i W LMod a S a 𝒫 B
7 6 ssrdv W LMod S 𝒫 B
8 1 2 lss1 W LMod B S
9 2 lssintcl W LMod a S a a S
10 7 8 9 ismred W LMod S Moore B