Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem repsw0

Description: The "repeated symbol word" of length 0. (Contributed by AV, 4-Nov-2018)

Ref Expression
Assertion repsw0 S V S repeatS 0 =


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 0nn0 0 0
2 repswlen S V 0 0 S repeatS 0 = 0
3 1 2 mpan2 S V S repeatS 0 = 0
4 ovex S repeatS 0 V
5 hasheq0 S repeatS 0 V S repeatS 0 = 0 S repeatS 0 =
6 4 5 mp1i S V S repeatS 0 = 0 S repeatS 0 =
7 3 6 mpbid S V S repeatS 0 =