Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem wessf1orn

Description: Given a function F on a well-ordered domain A there exists a subset of A such that F restricted to such subset is injective and onto the range of F (without using the axiom of choice). (Contributed by Glauco Siliprandi, 17-Aug-2020)

Ref Expression
Hypotheses wessf1orn.f φ F Fn A
wessf1orn.a φ A V
wessf1orn.r φ R We A
Assertion wessf1orn φ x 𝒫 A F x : x 1-1 onto ran F


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 wessf1orn.f φ F Fn A
2 wessf1orn.a φ A V
3 wessf1orn.r φ R We A
4 eqid y ran F ι x F -1 y | z F -1 y ¬ z R x = y ran F ι x F -1 y | z F -1 y ¬ z R x
5 1 2 3 4 wessf1ornlem φ x 𝒫 A F x : x 1-1 onto ran F