Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem zncrng2

Description: The value of the Z/nZ structure. It is defined as the quotient ring ZZ / n ZZ , with an "artificial" ordering added to make it a Toset . (In other words, Z/nZ is aring with anorder , but it is not anordered ring , which as a term implies that the order is compatible with the ring operations in some way.) (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 12-Jun-2015) (Revised by AV, 13-Jun-2019)

Ref Expression
Hypotheses znval.s S = RSpan ring
znval.u U = ring / 𝑠 ring ~ QG S N
Assertion zncrng2 N U CRing


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 znval.s S = RSpan ring
2 znval.u U = ring / 𝑠 ring ~ QG S N
3 zringcrng ring CRing
4 1 znlidl N S N LIdeal ring
5 eqid LIdeal ring = LIdeal ring
6 2 5 quscrng ring CRing S N LIdeal ring U CRing
7 3 4 6 sylancr N U CRing