Description: "Minus times minus is plus, The reason for this we need not discuss." (W.
H. Auden, as quoted in M. Guillen "Bridges to Infinity", p. 64, see also
Metamath Book, section 1.1.1, p. 5) This statement, formalized to "The
product of two negative integers is a positive integer", is proved by the
following theorem, therefore it actually need not be discussed anymore.
"The reason for this" is that ( -u A x. -u B ) = ( A x. B ) for all
complex numbers A and B because of mul2neg , A and B are
complex numbers because of nncn , and ( A x. B ) e. NN because of
nnmulcl . This also holds for positive reals, see rpmtmip . Note
that the opposites -u A and -u B of the positive integers A
and B are negative integers. (Contributed by AV, 23-Dec-2022)