Metamath Proof Explorer

Definition df-rgmod

Description: Any ring can be regarded as a left algebra over itself. The function ringLMod associates with any ring the left algebra consisting in the ring itself regarded as a left algebra over itself. It has an inner product which is simply the ring product. (Contributed by Stefan O'Rear, 6-Dec-2014)

Ref Expression
Assertion df-rgmod
|- ringLMod = ( w e. _V |-> ( ( subringAlg ` w ) ` ( Base ` w ) ) )

Detailed syntax breakdown

Step Hyp Ref Expression
0 crglmod
 |-  ringLMod
1 vw
 |-  w
2 cvv
 |-  _V
3 csra
 |-  subringAlg
4 1 cv
 |-  w
5 4 3 cfv
 |-  ( subringAlg ` w )
6 cbs
 |-  Base
7 4 6 cfv
 |-  ( Base ` w )
8 7 5 cfv
 |-  ( ( subringAlg ` w ) ` ( Base ` w ) )
9 1 2 8 cmpt
 |-  ( w e. _V |-> ( ( subringAlg ` w ) ` ( Base ` w ) ) )
10 0 9 wceq
 |-  ringLMod = ( w e. _V |-> ( ( subringAlg ` w ) ` ( Base ` w ) ) )