Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem bj-babylob

Description: See the section header comments for the context, as well as the comments for bj-babygodel .

Löb's theorem when the Löb sentence is given as a hypothesis (the hard part of the proof of Löb's theorem is to construct this Löb sentence; this can be done, using Gödel diagonalization, for any first-order effectively axiomatizable theory containing Robinson arithmetic). More precisely, the present theorem states that if a first-order theory proves that the provability of a given sentence entails its truth (and if one can construct in this theory a provability predicate and a Löb sentence, given here as the first hypothesis), then the theory actually proves that sentence.

See for instance, Eliezer Yudkowsky,The Cartoon Guide to Löb's Theorem (available at ).

(Contributed by BJ, 20-Apr-2019)

Ref Expression
Hypotheses bj-babylob.s ψ Prv ψ φ
bj-babylob.1 Prv φ φ
Assertion bj-babylob φ


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 bj-babylob.s ψ Prv ψ φ
2 bj-babylob.1 Prv φ φ
3 ax-prv3 Prv ψ Prv Prv ψ
4 1 biimpi ψ Prv ψ φ
5 4 prvlem2 Prv ψ Prv Prv ψ Prv φ
6 3 5 mpd Prv ψ Prv φ
7 6 2 syl Prv ψ φ
8 7 1 mpbir ψ
9 8 ax-prv1 Prv ψ
10 9 7 ax-mp φ