Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem 3bitr4i

Description: A chained inference from transitive law for logical equivalence. This inference is frequently used to apply a definition to both sides of a logical equivalence. (Contributed by NM, 3-Jan-1993)

Ref Expression
Hypotheses 3bitr4i.1
|- ( ph <-> ps )
|- ( ch <-> ph )
|- ( th <-> ps )
Assertion 3bitr4i
|- ( ch <-> th )


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 3bitr4i.1
 |-  ( ph <-> ps )
2 3bitr4i.2
 |-  ( ch <-> ph )
3 3bitr4i.3
 |-  ( th <-> ps )
4 1 3 bitr4i
 |-  ( ph <-> th )
5 2 4 bitri
 |-  ( ch <-> th )