Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem hashnemnf

Description: The size of a set is never minus infinity. (Contributed by Alexander van der Vekens, 21-Dec-2017)

Ref Expression
Assertion hashnemnf AVA−∞


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 hashnn0pnf AVA0A=+∞
2 mnfnre −∞
3 df-nel −∞¬−∞
4 nn0re −∞0−∞
5 4 con3i ¬−∞¬−∞0
6 3 5 sylbi −∞¬−∞0
7 2 6 ax-mp ¬−∞0
8 eleq1 A=−∞A0−∞0
9 7 8 mtbiri A=−∞¬A0
10 9 necon2ai A0A−∞
11 pnfnemnf +∞−∞
12 neeq1 A=+∞A−∞+∞−∞
13 11 12 mpbiri A=+∞A−∞
14 10 13 jaoi A0A=+∞A−∞
15 1 14 syl AVA−∞