Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem bj-vtoclg1f1

Description: The FOL content of vtoclg1f (hence not using ax-ext , df-cleq , df-nfc , df-v ). Note the weakened "major" hypothesis and the disjoint variable condition between x and A (needed since the nonfreeness quantifier for classes is not available without ax-ext ; as a byproduct, this dispenses with ax-11 and ax-13 ). (Contributed by BJ, 30-Apr-2019) (Proof modification is discouraged.)

Ref Expression
Hypotheses x ψ
bj-vtoclg1f1.maj x = A φ ψ
bj-vtoclg1f1.min φ
Assertion bj-vtoclg1f1 y y = A ψ


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 x ψ
2 bj-vtoclg1f1.maj x = A φ ψ
3 bj-vtoclg1f1.min φ
4 bj-denotes y y = A x x = A
5 1 2 3 bj-exlimmpi x x = A ψ
6 4 5 sylbi y y = A ψ