Metamath Proof Explorer

Definition df-prmo

Description: Define the primorial function on nonnegative integers as the product of all prime numbers less than or equal to the integer. For example, ( #p1 0 ) = 2 x. 3 x. 5 x. 7 = 2 1 0 (see ex-prmo ).

In the literature, the primorial function is written as a postscript hash: 6# = 30. In contrast to prmorcht , where the primorial function is defined by using the sequence builder ( P = seq 1 ( x. , F ) ), the more specialized definition of a product of a series is used here. (Contributed by AV, 28-Aug-2020)

Ref Expression
Assertion df-prmo # p = n 0 k = 1 n if k k 1

Detailed syntax breakdown

Step Hyp Ref Expression
0 cprmo class # p
1 vn setvar n
2 cn0 class 0
3 vk setvar k
4 c1 class 1
5 cfz class
6 1 cv setvar n
7 4 6 5 co class 1 n
8 3 cv setvar k
9 cprime class
10 8 9 wcel wff k
11 10 8 4 cif class if k k 1
12 7 11 3 cprod class k = 1 n if k k 1
13 1 2 12 cmpt class n 0 k = 1 n if k k 1
14 0 13 wceq wff # p = n 0 k = 1 n if k k 1