Metamath Proof Explorer

Definition df-member

Description: Define the membership equivalence relation on the class A (or, the restricted elementhood equivalence relation on its domain quotient A .) Alternate definitions are dfmember2 and dfmember3 .

Later on, in an application of set theory I make a distinction between the default elementhood concept and a special membership concept: membership equivalence relation will be an integral part of that membership concept. (Contributed by Peter Mazsa, 26-Jun-2021) (Revised by Peter Mazsa, 28-Nov-2022)

Ref Expression
Assertion df-member
|- ( MembEr A <-> ,~ ( `' _E |` A ) ErALTV A )

Detailed syntax breakdown

Step Hyp Ref Expression
0 cA
 |-  A
1 0 wmember
 |-  MembEr A
2 cep
 |-  _E
3 2 ccnv
 |-  `' _E
4 3 0 cres
 |-  ( `' _E |` A )
5 4 ccoss
 |-  ,~ ( `' _E |` A )
6 0 5 werALTV
 |-  ,~ ( `' _E |` A ) ErALTV A
7 1 6 wb
 |-  ( MembEr A <-> ,~ ( `' _E |` A ) ErALTV A )