Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem 0grsubgr

Description: The null graph (represented by an empty set) is a subgraph of all graphs. (Contributed by AV, 17-Nov-2020)

Ref Expression
Assertion 0grsubgr GWSubGraphG


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 0ss VtxG
2 dm0 dom=
3 2 reseq2i iEdgGdom=iEdgG
4 res0 iEdgG=
5 3 4 eqtr2i =iEdgGdom
6 0ss 𝒫
7 1 5 6 3pm3.2i VtxG=iEdgGdom𝒫
8 0ex V
9 vtxval0 Vtx=
10 9 eqcomi =Vtx
11 eqid VtxG=VtxG
12 iedgval0 iEdg=
13 12 eqcomi =iEdg
14 eqid iEdgG=iEdgG
15 edgval Edg=raniEdg
16 12 rneqi raniEdg=ran
17 rn0 ran=
18 15 16 17 3eqtrri =Edg
19 10 11 13 14 18 issubgr GWVSubGraphGVtxG=iEdgGdom𝒫
20 8 19 mpan2 GWSubGraphGVtxG=iEdgGdom𝒫
21 7 20 mpbiri GWSubGraphG