Metamath Proof Explorer

Definition df-ucn

Description: Define a function on two uniform structures which value is the set of uniformly continuous functions from the first uniform structure to the second. A function f is uniformly continuous if, roughly speaking, it is possible to guarantee that ( fx ) and ( fy ) be as close to each other as we please by requiring only that x and y are sufficiently close to each other; unlike ordinary continuity, the maximum distance between ( fx ) and ( fy ) cannot depend on x and y themselves. This formulation is the definition 1 of BourbakiTop1 p. II.6. (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 16-Nov-2017)

Ref Expression
Assertion df-ucn uCn=uranUnifOn,vranUnifOnfdomvdomu|svruxdomuydomuxryfxsfy

Detailed syntax breakdown

Step Hyp Ref Expression
0 cucn classuCn
1 vu setvaru
2 cust classUnifOn
3 2 crn classranUnifOn
4 3 cuni classranUnifOn
5 vv setvarv
6 vf setvarf
7 5 cv setvarv
8 7 cuni classv
9 8 cdm classdomv
10 cmap class𝑚
11 1 cv setvaru
12 11 cuni classu
13 12 cdm classdomu
14 9 13 10 co classdomvdomu
15 vs setvars
16 vr setvarr
17 vx setvarx
18 vy setvary
19 17 cv setvarx
20 16 cv setvarr
21 18 cv setvary
22 19 21 20 wbr wffxry
23 6 cv setvarf
24 19 23 cfv classfx
25 15 cv setvars
26 21 23 cfv classfy
27 24 26 25 wbr wfffxsfy
28 22 27 wi wffxryfxsfy
29 28 18 13 wral wffydomuxryfxsfy
30 29 17 13 wral wffxdomuydomuxryfxsfy
31 30 16 11 wrex wffruxdomuydomuxryfxsfy
32 31 15 7 wral wffsvruxdomuydomuxryfxsfy
33 32 6 14 crab classfdomvdomu|svruxdomuydomuxryfxsfy
34 1 5 4 4 33 cmpo classuranUnifOn,vranUnifOnfdomvdomu|svruxdomuydomuxryfxsfy
35 0 34 wceq wffuCn=uranUnifOn,vranUnifOnfdomvdomu|svruxdomuydomuxryfxsfy