Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem tsettps

Description: If the topology component is already correctly truncated, then it forms a topological space (with the topology extractor function coming out the same as the component). (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 13-Aug-2015)

Ref Expression
Hypotheses tsettps.a A = Base K
tsettps.j J = TopSet K
Assertion tsettps J TopOn A K TopSp


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 tsettps.a A = Base K
2 tsettps.j J = TopSet K
3 1 2 topontopn J TopOn A J = TopOpen K
4 id J TopOn A J TopOn A
5 3 4 eqeltrrd J TopOn A TopOpen K TopOn A
6 eqid TopOpen K = TopOpen K
7 1 6 istps K TopSp TopOpen K TopOn A
8 5 7 sylibr J TopOn A K TopSp