Metamath Proof Explorer

Definition df-coss

Description: Define the class of cosets by R : x and y are cosets by R iff there exists a set u such that both u R x and u R y hold, i.e., both x and y are are elements of the R -coset of u (see dfcoss2 and the comment of dfec2 ). R is usually a relation.

This concept simplifies theorems relating partition and equivalence: the left side of these theorems relate to R , the right side relate to ,R (see e.g. ~? pet ). Without the definition of ,R we should have to relate the right side of these theorems to a composition of a converse (cf. dfcoss3 ) or to the range of a range Cartesian product of classes (cf. dfcoss4 ), which would make the theorems complicated and confusing. Alternate definition is dfcoss2 . Technically, we can define it via composition ( dfcoss3 ) or as the range of a range Cartesian product ( dfcoss4 ), but neither of these definitions reveal directly how the cosets by R relate to each other. We define functions ( df-funsALTV , df-funALTV ) and disjoints ( dfdisjs , dfdisjs2 , df-disjALTV , dfdisjALTV2 ) with the help of it as well. (Contributed by Peter Mazsa, 9-Jan-2018)

Ref Expression
Assertion df-coss R = x y | u u R x u R y

Detailed syntax breakdown

Step Hyp Ref Expression
0 cR class R
1 0 ccoss class R
2 vx setvar x
3 vy setvar y
4 vu setvar u
5 4 cv setvar u
6 2 cv setvar x
7 5 6 0 wbr wff u R x
8 3 cv setvar y
9 5 8 0 wbr wff u R y
10 7 9 wa wff u R x u R y
11 10 4 wex wff u u R x u R y
12 11 2 3 copab class x y | u u R x u R y
13 1 12 wceq wff R = x y | u u R x u R y