Metamath Proof Explorer

Definition df-trrel

Description: Define the transitive relation predicate. (Read: R is a transitive relation.) For sets, being an element of the class of transitive relations ( df-trrels ) is equivalent to satisfying the transitive relation predicate, see eltrrelsrel . Alternate definitions are dftrrel2 and dftrrel3 . (Contributed by Peter Mazsa, 17-Jul-2021)

Ref Expression
Assertion df-trrel TrRel R R dom R × ran R R dom R × ran R R dom R × ran R Rel R

Detailed syntax breakdown

Step Hyp Ref Expression
0 cR class R
1 0 wtrrel wff TrRel R
2 0 cdm class dom R
3 0 crn class ran R
4 2 3 cxp class dom R × ran R
5 0 4 cin class R dom R × ran R
6 5 5 ccom class R dom R × ran R R dom R × ran R
7 6 5 wss wff R dom R × ran R R dom R × ran R R dom R × ran R
8 0 wrel wff Rel R
9 7 8 wa wff R dom R × ran R R dom R × ran R R dom R × ran R Rel R
10 1 9 wb wff TrRel R R dom R × ran R R dom R × ran R R dom R × ran R Rel R