Metamath Proof Explorer

Definition df-ufd

Description: Define the class of unique factorization domains. A unique factorization domain (UFD for short), is a commutative ring with an absolute value (from abvtriv this is equivalent to being a domain) such that every prime ideal contains a prime element (this is a characterization due to Irving Kaplansky). A UFD is sometimes also called a "factorial ring" following the terminology of Bourbaki. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 17-Feb-2015)

Ref Expression
Assertion df-ufd Could not format assertion : No typesetting found for |- UFD = { r e. CRing | ( ( AbsVal ` r ) =/= (/) /\ A. i e. ( PrmIdeal ` r ) ( i i^i ( RPrime ` r ) ) =/= (/) ) } with typecode |-

Detailed syntax breakdown

Step Hyp Ref Expression
0 cufd Could not format UFD : No typesetting found for class UFD with typecode class
1 vr setvar r
2 ccrg class CRing
3 cabv class AbsVal
4 1 cv setvar r
5 4 3 cfv class AbsVal r
6 c0 class
7 5 6 wne wff AbsVal r
8 vi setvar i
9 cprmidl Could not format PrmIdeal : No typesetting found for class PrmIdeal with typecode class
10 4 9 cfv Could not format ( PrmIdeal ` r ) : No typesetting found for class ( PrmIdeal ` r ) with typecode class
11 8 cv setvar i
12 crpm class RPrime
13 4 12 cfv class RPrime r
14 11 13 cin class i RPrime r
15 14 6 wne wff i RPrime r
16 15 8 10 wral Could not format A. i e. ( PrmIdeal ` r ) ( i i^i ( RPrime ` r ) ) =/= (/) : No typesetting found for wff A. i e. ( PrmIdeal ` r ) ( i i^i ( RPrime ` r ) ) =/= (/) with typecode wff
17 7 16 wa Could not format ( ( AbsVal ` r ) =/= (/) /\ A. i e. ( PrmIdeal ` r ) ( i i^i ( RPrime ` r ) ) =/= (/) ) : No typesetting found for wff ( ( AbsVal ` r ) =/= (/) /\ A. i e. ( PrmIdeal ` r ) ( i i^i ( RPrime ` r ) ) =/= (/) ) with typecode wff
18 17 1 2 crab Could not format { r e. CRing | ( ( AbsVal ` r ) =/= (/) /\ A. i e. ( PrmIdeal ` r ) ( i i^i ( RPrime ` r ) ) =/= (/) ) } : No typesetting found for class { r e. CRing | ( ( AbsVal ` r ) =/= (/) /\ A. i e. ( PrmIdeal ` r ) ( i i^i ( RPrime ` r ) ) =/= (/) ) } with typecode class
19 0 18 wceq Could not format UFD = { r e. CRing | ( ( AbsVal ` r ) =/= (/) /\ A. i e. ( PrmIdeal ` r ) ( i i^i ( RPrime ` r ) ) =/= (/) ) } : No typesetting found for wff UFD = { r e. CRing | ( ( AbsVal ` r ) =/= (/) /\ A. i e. ( PrmIdeal ` r ) ( i i^i ( RPrime ` r ) ) =/= (/) ) } with typecode wff