Metamath Proof Explorer

Definition df-prmidl

Description: Define the class of prime ideals of a ring R . A proper ideal I of R is prime if whenever A B C_ I for ideals A and B , either A C_ I or B C_ I . The more familiar definition using elements rather than ideals is equivalent provided R is commutative; see prmidl2 and isprmidlc . (Contributed by Jeff Madsen, 10-Jun-2010) (Revised by Thierry Arnoux, 14-Jan-2024)

Ref Expression
Assertion df-prmidl Could not format assertion : No typesetting found for |- PrmIdeal = ( r e. Ring |-> { i e. ( LIdeal ` r ) | ( i =/= ( Base ` r ) /\ A. a e. ( LIdeal ` r ) A. b e. ( LIdeal ` r ) ( A. x e. a A. y e. b ( x ( .r ` r ) y ) e. i -> ( a C_ i \/ b C_ i ) ) ) } ) with typecode |-

Detailed syntax breakdown

Step Hyp Ref Expression
0 cprmidl Could not format PrmIdeal : No typesetting found for class PrmIdeal with typecode class
1 vr setvarr
2 crg classRing
3 vi setvari
4 clidl classLIdeal
5 1 cv setvarr
6 5 4 cfv classLIdealr
7 3 cv setvari
8 cbs classBase
9 5 8 cfv classBaser
10 7 9 wne wffiBaser
11 va setvara
12 vb setvarb
13 vx setvarx
14 11 cv setvara
15 vy setvary
16 12 cv setvarb
17 13 cv setvarx
18 cmulr class𝑟
19 5 18 cfv classr
20 15 cv setvary
21 17 20 19 co classxry
22 21 7 wcel wffxryi
23 22 15 16 wral wffybxryi
24 23 13 14 wral wffxaybxryi
25 14 7 wss wffai
26 16 7 wss wffbi
27 25 26 wo wffaibi
28 24 27 wi wffxaybxryiaibi
29 28 12 6 wral wffbLIdealrxaybxryiaibi
30 29 11 6 wral wffaLIdealrbLIdealrxaybxryiaibi
31 10 30 wa wffiBaseraLIdealrbLIdealrxaybxryiaibi
32 31 3 6 crab classiLIdealr|iBaseraLIdealrbLIdealrxaybxryiaibi
33 1 2 32 cmpt classrRingiLIdealr|iBaseraLIdealrbLIdealrxaybxryiaibi
34 0 33 wceq Could not format PrmIdeal = ( r e. Ring |-> { i e. ( LIdeal ` r ) | ( i =/= ( Base ` r ) /\ A. a e. ( LIdeal ` r ) A. b e. ( LIdeal ` r ) ( A. x e. a A. y e. b ( x ( .r ` r ) y ) e. i -> ( a C_ i \/ b C_ i ) ) ) } ) : No typesetting found for wff PrmIdeal = ( r e. Ring |-> { i e. ( LIdeal ` r ) | ( i =/= ( Base ` r ) /\ A. a e. ( LIdeal ` r ) A. b e. ( LIdeal ` r ) ( A. x e. a A. y e. b ( x ( .r ` r ) y ) e. i -> ( a C_ i \/ b C_ i ) ) ) } ) with typecode wff