Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem ply1bas

Description: The value of the base set of univariate polynomials. (Contributed by Mario Carneiro, 9-Feb-2015)

Ref Expression
Hypotheses ply1val.1 P = Poly 1 R
ply1val.2 S = PwSer 1 R
ply1bas.u U = Base P
Assertion ply1bas U = Base 1 𝑜 mPoly R


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 ply1val.1 P = Poly 1 R
2 ply1val.2 S = PwSer 1 R
3 ply1bas.u U = Base P
4 eqid 1 𝑜 mPoly R = 1 𝑜 mPoly R
5 eqid 1 𝑜 mPwSer R = 1 𝑜 mPwSer R
6 eqid Base 1 𝑜 mPoly R = Base 1 𝑜 mPoly R
7 eqid Base S = Base S
8 2 7 5 psr1bas2 Base S = Base 1 𝑜 mPwSer R
9 4 5 6 8 mplbasss Base 1 𝑜 mPoly R Base S
10 1 2 ply1val P = S 𝑠 Base 1 𝑜 mPoly R
11 10 7 ressbas2 Base 1 𝑜 mPoly R Base S Base 1 𝑜 mPoly R = Base P
12 9 11 ax-mp Base 1 𝑜 mPoly R = Base P
13 3 12 eqtr4i U = Base 1 𝑜 mPoly R