Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem bj-ismoore

Description: Characterization of Moore collections. Note that there is no sethood hypothesis on A : it is implied by either side (this is obvious for the LHS, and is the content of bj-mooreset for the RHS). (Contributed by BJ, 9-Dec-2021)

Ref Expression
Assertion bj-ismoore AMoore_x𝒫AAxA


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 elex AMoore_AV
2 bj-mooreset x𝒫AAxAAV
3 pweq y=A𝒫y=𝒫A
4 unieq y=Ay=A
5 4 ineq1d y=Ayx=Ax
6 id y=Ay=A
7 5 6 eleq12d y=AyxyAxA
8 3 7 raleqbidv y=Ax𝒫yyxyx𝒫AAxA
9 df-bj-moore Moore_=y|x𝒫yyxy
10 8 9 elab2g AVAMoore_x𝒫AAxA
11 1 2 10 pm5.21nii AMoore_x𝒫AAxA