Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem grp1

Description: The (smallest) structure representing atrivial group. According to Wikipedia ("Trivial group", 28-Apr-2019, ) "In mathematics, a trivial group is a group consisting of a single element. All such groups are isomorphic, so one often speaks ofthe trivial group. The single element of the trivial group is the identity element". (Contributed by AV, 28-Apr-2019)

Ref Expression
Hypothesis grp1.m M=BasendxI+ndxIII
Assertion grp1 IVMGrp


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 grp1.m M=BasendxI+ndxIII
2 1 mnd1 IVMMnd
4 opex IIV
6 4 5 mpan IVIIIII=I
7 3 6 eqtrid IVIIIII=I
8 1 mnd1id IV0M=I
9 7 8 eqtr4d IVIIIII=0M
10 oveq2 i=IeIIIi=eIIII
11 10 eqeq1d i=IeIIIi=0MeIIII=0M
12 11 rexbidv i=IeIeIIIi=0MeIeIIII=0M
13 12 ralsng IViIeIeIIIi=0MeIeIIII=0M
14 oveq1 e=IeIIII=IIIII
15 14 eqeq1d e=IeIIII=0MIIIII=0M
16 15 rexsng IVeIeIIII=0MIIIII=0M
17 13 16 bitrd IViIeIeIIIi=0MIIIII=0M
18 9 17 mpbird IViIeIeIIIi=0M
19 snex IV
20 1 grpbase IVI=BaseM
21 19 20 ax-mp I=BaseM
22 snex IIIV
23 1 grpplusg IIIVIII=+M
24 22 23 ax-mp III=+M
25 eqid 0M=0M
26 21 24 25 isgrp MGrpMMndiIeIeIIIi=0M
27 2 18 26 sylanbrc IVMGrp