Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem scotteld

Description: The Scott operation sends inhabited classes to inhabited sets. (Contributed by Rohan Ridenour, 11-Aug-2023)

Ref Expression
Hypothesis scotteld.1 φxxA
Assertion scotteld φxxScottA


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 scotteld.1 φxxA
2 n0 AxxA
3 1 2 sylibr φA
4 3 neneqd φ¬A=
5 scott0 A=yA|zArankyrankz=
6 df-scott ScottA=yA|zArankyrankz
7 6 eqeq1i ScottA=yA|zArankyrankz=
8 5 7 bitr4i A=ScottA=
9 4 8 sylnib φ¬ScottA=
10 9 neqned φScottA
11 n0 ScottAxxScottA
12 10 11 sylib φxxScottA