Metamath Proof Explorer

Table of Contents - Transitive closure of a relation

  1. dftrcl3
  2. brfvtrcld
  3. fvtrcllb1d
  4. trclfvcom
  5. cnvtrclfv
  6. cotrcltrcl
  7. trclimalb2
  8. brtrclfv2
  9. trclfvdecomr
  10. trclfvdecoml
  11. dmtrclfvRP
  12. rntrclfvRP
  13. rntrclfv
  14. dfrtrcl3
  15. brfvrtrcld
  16. fvrtrcllb0d
  17. fvrtrcllb0da
  18. fvrtrcllb1d
  19. dfrtrcl4
  20. corcltrcl
  21. cortrcltrcl
  22. corclrtrcl
  23. cotrclrcl
  24. cortrclrcl
  25. cotrclrtrcl
  26. cortrclrtrcl