Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem repswrevw

Description: The reverse of a "repeated symbol word". (Contributed by AV, 6-Nov-2018)

Ref Expression
Assertion repswrevw SVN0reverseSrepeatSN=SrepeatSN


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 repswlen SVN0SrepeatSN=N
2 1 oveq2d SVN00..^SrepeatSN=0..^N
3 2 mpteq1d SVN0x0..^SrepeatSNSrepeatSNSrepeatSN-1-x=x0..^NSrepeatSNSrepeatSN-1-x
4 simpll SVN0x0..^NSV
5 simplr SVN0x0..^NN0
6 1 adantr SVN0x0..^NSrepeatSN=N
7 6 oveq1d SVN0x0..^NSrepeatSN1=N1
8 7 oveq1d SVN0x0..^NSrepeatSN-1-x=N-1-x
9 ubmelm1fzo x0..^NN-x-10..^N
10 elfzoelz x0..^Nx
11 nn0cn N0N
12 11 ad2antll xSVN0N
13 zcn xx
14 13 adantr xSVN0x
15 1cnd xSVN01
16 12 14 15 sub32d xSVN0N-x-1=N-1-x
17 16 eleq1d xSVN0N-x-10..^NN-1-x0..^N
18 17 biimpd xSVN0N-x-10..^NN-1-x0..^N
19 18 ex xSVN0N-x-10..^NN-1-x0..^N
20 10 19 syl x0..^NSVN0N-x-10..^NN-1-x0..^N
21 9 20 mpid x0..^NSVN0N-1-x0..^N
22 21 impcom SVN0x0..^NN-1-x0..^N
23 8 22 eqeltrd SVN0x0..^NSrepeatSN-1-x0..^N
24 repswsymb SVN0SrepeatSN-1-x0..^NSrepeatSNSrepeatSN-1-x=S
25 4 5 23 24 syl3anc SVN0x0..^NSrepeatSNSrepeatSN-1-x=S
26 25 mpteq2dva SVN0x0..^NSrepeatSNSrepeatSN-1-x=x0..^NS
27 3 26 eqtrd SVN0x0..^SrepeatSNSrepeatSNSrepeatSN-1-x=x0..^NS
28 ovex SrepeatSNV
29 revval SrepeatSNVreverseSrepeatSN=x0..^SrepeatSNSrepeatSNSrepeatSN-1-x
30 28 29 mp1i SVN0reverseSrepeatSN=x0..^SrepeatSNSrepeatSNSrepeatSN-1-x
31 reps SVN0SrepeatSN=x0..^NS
32 27 30 31 3eqtr4d SVN0reverseSrepeatSN=SrepeatSN