Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem pythi

Description: The Pythagorean theorem for an arbitrary complex inner product (pre-Hilbert) space U . The square of the norm of the sum of two orthogonal vectors (i.e. whose inner product is 0) is the sum of the squares of their norms. Problem 2 in Kreyszig p. 135. (Contributed by NM, 17-Apr-2008) (New usage is discouraged.)

Ref Expression
Hypotheses pyth.1 X=BaseSetU
pyth.2 G=+vU
pyth.6 N=normCVU
pyth.7 P=𝑖OLDU
pythi.u UCPreHilOLD
pythi.a AX
pythi.b BX
Assertion pythi APB=0NAGB2=NA2+NB2


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 pyth.1 X=BaseSetU
2 pyth.2 G=+vU
3 pyth.6 N=normCVU
4 pyth.7 P=𝑖OLDU
5 pythi.u UCPreHilOLD
6 pythi.a AX
7 pythi.b BX
8 1 2 4 5 6 7 6 7 ip2dii AGBPAGB=APA+BPB+APB+BPA
9 id APB=0APB=0
10 5 phnvi UNrmCVec
11 1 4 diporthcom UNrmCVecAXBXAPB=0BPA=0
12 10 6 7 11 mp3an APB=0BPA=0
13 12 biimpi APB=0BPA=0
14 9 13 oveq12d APB=0APB+BPA=0+0
15 00id 0+0=0
16 14 15 eqtrdi APB=0APB+BPA=0
17 16 oveq2d APB=0APA+BPB+APB+BPA=APA+BPB+0
18 1 4 dipcl UNrmCVecAXAXAPA
19 10 6 6 18 mp3an APA
20 1 4 dipcl UNrmCVecBXBXBPB
21 10 7 7 20 mp3an BPB
22 19 21 addcli APA+BPB
23 22 addridi APA+BPB+0=APA+BPB
24 17 23 eqtrdi APB=0APA+BPB+APB+BPA=APA+BPB
25 8 24 eqtrid APB=0AGBPAGB=APA+BPB
26 1 2 nvgcl UNrmCVecAXBXAGBX
27 10 6 7 26 mp3an AGBX
28 1 3 4 ipidsq UNrmCVecAGBXAGBPAGB=NAGB2
29 10 27 28 mp2an AGBPAGB=NAGB2
30 1 3 4 ipidsq UNrmCVecAXAPA=NA2
31 10 6 30 mp2an APA=NA2
32 1 3 4 ipidsq UNrmCVecBXBPB=NB2
33 10 7 32 mp2an BPB=NB2
34 31 33 oveq12i APA+BPB=NA2+NB2
35 25 29 34 3eqtr3g APB=0NAGB2=NA2+NB2