Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem fcobijfs

Description: Composing finitely supported functions with a bijection yields a bijection between sets of finitely supported functions. See also mapfien . (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 25-Aug-2017) (Revised by Thierry Arnoux, 1-Sep-2019)

Ref Expression
Hypotheses fcobij.1 φG:S1-1 ontoT
fcobij.2 φRU
fcobij.3 φSV
fcobij.4 φTW
fcobijfs.5 φOS
fcobijfs.6 Q=GO
fcobijfs.7 X=gSR|finSuppOg
fcobijfs.8 Y=hTR|finSuppQh
Assertion fcobijfs φfXGf:X1-1 ontoY


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 fcobij.1 φG:S1-1 ontoT
2 fcobij.2 φRU
3 fcobij.3 φSV
4 fcobij.4 φTW
5 fcobijfs.5 φOS
6 fcobijfs.6 Q=GO
7 fcobijfs.7 X=gSR|finSuppOg
8 fcobijfs.8 Y=hTR|finSuppQh
9 breq1 h=gfinSuppOhfinSuppOg
10 9 cbvrabv hSR|finSuppOh=gSR|finSuppOg
11 7 10 eqtr4i X=hSR|finSuppOh
12 f1oi IR:R1-1 ontoR
13 12 a1i φIR:R1-1 ontoR
14 11 8 6 13 1 2 3 2 4 5 mapfien φfXGfIR:X1-1 ontoY
15 7 ssrab3 XSR
16 15 sseli fXfSR
17 coass GfIR=GfIR
18 f1of G:S1-1 ontoTG:ST
19 1 18 syl φG:ST
20 elmapi fSRf:RS
21 fco G:STf:RSGf:RT
22 19 20 21 syl2an φfSRGf:RT
23 fcoi1 Gf:RTGfIR=Gf
24 22 23 syl φfSRGfIR=Gf
25 17 24 eqtr3id φfSRGfIR=Gf
26 16 25 sylan2 φfXGfIR=Gf
27 26 mpteq2dva φfXGfIR=fXGf
28 27 f1oeq1d φfXGfIR:X1-1 ontoYfXGf:X1-1 ontoY
29 14 28 mpbid φfXGf:X1-1 ontoY