Description: Value of map from vectors to functionals in the closed kernel dual
space. This is the function sigma on line 27 above part 9 in Baer
p. 48. We select a convenient fixed reference vector E to be
<. 0 , 1 >. (corresponding to vector u on p. 48 line 7) whose span
is the lattice isomorphism map of the fiducial atom
P = ( ( ocK )W ) (see dvheveccl ). ( JE ) is a
fixed reference functional determined by this vector (corresponding to
u' on line 8; mapdhvmap shows in Baer's notation (Fu)* = Gu'). Baer's
independent vectors v and w on line 7 correspond to our z that the
A. z e. V ranges over. The middle term
( I<. E , ( JE ) , z >. ) provides isolation to allow E
and T to assume the same value without conflict. Closure is shown
by hdmapcl . If a separate auxiliary vector is known, hdmapval2 provides a version without quantification. (Contributed by NM, 15-May-2015)