Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem rebtwnz

Description: There is a unique greatest integer less than or equal to a real number. Exercise 4 of Apostol p. 28. (Contributed by NM, 15-Nov-2004)

Ref Expression
Assertion rebtwnz A∃!xxAA<x+1


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 renegcl AA
2 zbtwnre A∃!yAyy<-A+1
3 1 2 syl A∃!yAyy<-A+1
4 znegcl xx
5 znegcl yy
6 zcn yy
7 zcn xx
8 negcon2 yxy=xx=y
9 6 7 8 syl2an yxy=xx=y
10 5 9 reuhyp y∃!xy=x
11 breq2 y=xAyAx
12 breq1 y=xy<-A+1x<-A+1
13 11 12 anbi12d y=xAyy<-A+1Axx<-A+1
14 4 10 13 reuxfr1 ∃!yAyy<-A+1∃!xAxx<-A+1
15 zre xx
16 leneg xAxAAx
17 16 ancoms AxxAAx
18 peano2rem AA1
19 ltneg A1xA1<xx<A1
20 18 19 sylan AxA1<xx<A1
21 1re 1
22 ltsubadd A1xA1<xA<x+1
23 21 22 mp3an2 AxA1<xA<x+1
24 recn AA
25 ax-1cn 1
26 negsubdi A1A1=-A+1
27 24 25 26 sylancl AA1=-A+1
28 27 adantr AxA1=-A+1
29 28 breq2d Axx<A1x<-A+1
30 20 23 29 3bitr3d AxA<x+1x<-A+1
31 17 30 anbi12d AxxAA<x+1Axx<-A+1
32 15 31 sylan2 AxxAA<x+1Axx<-A+1
33 32 bicomd AxAxx<-A+1xAA<x+1
34 33 reubidva A∃!xAxx<-A+1∃!xxAA<x+1
35 14 34 syl5bb A∃!yAyy<-A+1∃!xxAA<x+1
36 3 35 mpbid A∃!xxAA<x+1