Metamath Proof Explorer

Theorem tgasa1

Description: Second congruence theorem: ASA. (Angle-Side-Angle): If two pairs of angles of two triangles are equal in measurement, and the included sides are equal in length, then the triangles are congruent. Theorem 11.50 of Schwabhauser p. 108. (Contributed by Thierry Arnoux, 15-Aug-2020)

Ref Expression
Hypotheses tgsas.p P=BaseG
tgsas.m -˙=distG
tgsas.i I=ItvG
tgsas.g φG𝒢Tarski
tgsas.a φAP
tgsas.b φBP
tgsas.c φCP
tgsas.d φDP
tgsas.e φEP
tgsas.f φFP
tgasa.l L=Line𝒢G
tgasa.1 φ¬CALBA=B
tgasa.2 φA-˙B=D-˙E
tgasa.3 φ⟨“ABC”⟩𝒢G⟨“DEF”⟩
tgasa.4 φ⟨“CAB”⟩𝒢G⟨“FDE”⟩
Assertion tgasa1 φB-˙C=E-˙F


Step Hyp Ref Expression
1 tgsas.p P=BaseG
2 tgsas.m -˙=distG
3 tgsas.i I=ItvG
4 tgsas.g φG𝒢Tarski
5 tgsas.a φAP
6 tgsas.b φBP
7 tgsas.c φCP
8 tgsas.d φDP
9 tgsas.e φEP
10 tgsas.f φFP
11 tgasa.l L=Line𝒢G
12 tgasa.1 φ¬CALBA=B
13 tgasa.2 φA-˙B=D-˙E
14 tgasa.3 φ⟨“ABC”⟩𝒢G⟨“DEF”⟩
15 tgasa.4 φ⟨“CAB”⟩𝒢G⟨“FDE”⟩
16 simprr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CE-˙f=B-˙C
17 4 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CG𝒢Tarski
18 10 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CFP
19 8 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CDP
20 9 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEP
21 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 11 12 cgrancol φ¬FDLED=E
22 21 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙C¬FDLED=E
23 eqid hl𝒢G=hl𝒢G
24 simplr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CfP
25 7 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CCP
26 5 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CAP
27 6 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CBP
28 12 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙C¬CALBA=B
29 4 ad3antrrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEDLFD=FG𝒢Tarski
30 8 ad3antrrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEDLFD=FDP
31 9 ad3antrrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEDLFD=FEP
32 10 ad3antrrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEDLFD=FFP
33 5 ad3antrrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEDLFD=FAP
34 6 ad3antrrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEDLFD=FBP
35 7 ad3antrrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEDLFD=FCP
36 1 3 4 23 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 cgracom φ⟨“DEF”⟩𝒢G⟨“ABC”⟩
37 36 ad3antrrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEDLFD=F⟨“DEF”⟩𝒢G⟨“ABC”⟩
38 simpr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEDLFD=FEDLFD=F
39 1 11 3 29 30 32 31 38 colcom φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEDLFD=FEFLDF=D
40 1 11 3 29 32 30 31 39 colrot1 φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEDLFD=FFDLED=E
41 1 3 2 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 11 40 cgracol φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEDLFD=FCALBA=B
42 12 ad3antrrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEDLFD=F¬CALBA=B
43 41 42 pm2.65da φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙C¬EDLFD=F
44 eqid 𝒢G=𝒢G
45 14 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙C⟨“ABC”⟩𝒢G⟨“DEF”⟩
46 simprl φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙Cfhl𝒢GEF
47 1 3 23 17 26 27 25 19 20 18 45 24 46 cgrahl2 φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙C⟨“ABC”⟩𝒢G⟨“DEf”⟩
48 1 3 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 cgrane1 φAB
49 1 3 23 5 5 6 4 48 hlid φAhl𝒢GBA
50 49 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CAhl𝒢GBA
51 1 3 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 cgrane2 φBC
52 51 necomd φCB
53 1 3 23 7 5 6 4 52 hlid φChl𝒢GBC
54 53 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CChl𝒢GBC
55 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 13 tgcgrcomlr φB-˙A=E-˙D
56 55 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CB-˙A=E-˙D
57 16 eqcomd φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CB-˙C=E-˙f
58 1 3 23 17 26 27 25 19 20 24 47 26 2 25 50 54 56 57 cgracgr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CA-˙C=D-˙f
59 1 2 3 17 26 25 19 24 58 tgcgrcomlr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CC-˙A=f-˙D
60 13 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CA-˙B=D-˙E
61 1 2 44 17 25 26 27 24 19 20 59 60 57 trgcgr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙C⟨“CAB”⟩𝒢G⟨“fDE”⟩
62 1 3 11 4 7 5 6 12 ncolne1 φCA
63 62 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CCA
64 1 2 3 17 25 26 24 19 59 63 tgcgrneq φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CfD
65 1 3 23 24 18 19 17 64 hlid φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙Cfhl𝒢GDf
66 1 3 23 4 7 5 6 10 8 9 15 cgrane4 φDE
67 66 necomd φED
68 1 3 23 9 5 8 4 67 hlid φEhl𝒢GDE
69 68 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEhl𝒢GDE
70 1 3 23 17 25 26 27 24 19 20 24 20 61 65 69 iscgrad φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙C⟨“CAB”⟩𝒢G⟨“fDE”⟩
71 66 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CDE
72 1 3 17 23 24 19 20 64 71 cgraswap φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙C⟨“fDE”⟩𝒢G⟨“EDf”⟩
73 1 3 17 23 25 26 27 24 19 20 70 20 19 24 72 cgratr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙C⟨“CAB”⟩𝒢G⟨“EDf”⟩
74 1 3 23 4 7 5 6 10 8 9 15 cgrane3 φDF
75 74 necomd φFD
76 1 3 4 23 10 8 9 75 66 cgraswap φ⟨“FDE”⟩𝒢G⟨“EDF”⟩
77 1 3 4 23 7 5 6 10 8 9 15 9 8 10 76 cgratr φ⟨“CAB”⟩𝒢G⟨“EDF”⟩
78 77 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙C⟨“CAB”⟩𝒢G⟨“EDF”⟩
79 1 3 11 4 9 8 67 tgelrnln φELDranL
80 79 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CELDranL
81 simpl a=ub=va=u
82 81 eleq1d a=ub=vaPELDuPELD
83 simpr a=ub=vb=v
84 83 eleq1d a=ub=vbPELDvPELD
85 82 84 anbi12d a=ub=vaPELDbPELDuPELDvPELD
86 simpr a=ub=vt=wt=w
87 simpll a=ub=vt=wa=u
88 simplr a=ub=vt=wb=v
89 87 88 oveq12d a=ub=vt=waIb=uIv
90 86 89 eleq12d a=ub=vt=wtaIbwuIv
91 90 cbvrexdva a=ub=vtELDtaIbwELDwuIv
92 85 91 anbi12d a=ub=vaPELDbPELDtELDtaIbuPELDvPELDwELDwuIv
93 92 cbvopabv ab|aPELDbPELDtELDtaIb=uv|uPELDvPELDwELDwuIv
94 1 3 11 4 9 8 67 tglinerflx1 φEELD
95 94 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEELD
96 1 11 3 4 8 9 10 21 ncolcom φ¬FELDE=D
97 pm2.45 ¬FELDE=D¬FELD
98 96 97 syl φ¬FELD
99 98 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙C¬FELD
100 1 3 23 24 18 20 17 46 hlcomd φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CFhl𝒢GEf
101 1 3 11 17 80 20 93 23 95 18 24 99 100 hphl φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CFhp𝒢GELDf
102 1 3 11 17 80 18 93 24 101 hpgcom φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙Cfhp𝒢GELDF
103 1 3 11 4 79 10 93 98 hpgid φFhp𝒢GELDF
104 103 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CFhp𝒢GELDF
105 1 3 2 17 25 26 27 20 19 18 11 28 43 24 18 23 73 78 102 104 acopyeu φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙Cfhl𝒢GDF
106 1 3 23 24 18 19 17 11 105 hlln φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CfFLD
107 1 3 11 4 10 8 75 tglinerflx1 φFFLD
108 107 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CFFLD
109 1 3 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 cgrane4 φEF
110 109 ad2antrr φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CEF
111 1 3 23 24 18 20 17 11 46 hlln φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CfFLE
112 1 3 11 17 20 18 24 110 111 lncom φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CfELF
113 1 3 11 17 20 18 110 tglinerflx2 φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CFELF
114 1 3 11 17 18 19 20 18 22 106 108 112 113 tglineinteq φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙Cf=F
115 114 oveq2d φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CE-˙f=E-˙F
116 16 115 eqtr3d φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙CB-˙C=E-˙F
117 109 necomd φFE
118 1 3 23 9 6 7 4 10 2 117 51 hlcgrex φfPfhl𝒢GEFE-˙f=B-˙C
119 116 118 r19.29a φB-˙C=E-˙F