Metamath Proof Explorer

Table of Contents - 1.2.6. Logical conjunction

This section defines conjunction of two formulas, denoted by infix "" and read "and". It is defined in terms of implication and negation, which is possible in classical logic (but not in intuitionistic logic: see

After the definition, we briefly introduce conversion of simple expressions to and from conjunction. Two simple operations called importation (imp) and exportation (ex) follow. In the propositions-as-types interpretation, they correspond to uncurrying and currying respectively. They are foundational for this section. Most of the theorems proved here trace back to them, mostly indirectly, in a layered fashion, where more complex expressions are built from simpler ones. Here are some of these successive layers: importation and exportation, commutativity and associativity laws, adding antecedents and simplifying, conjunction of consequents, syllogisms, etc.

As indicated in the "note on definitions" in the section comment for logical equivalence, some theorems containing only implication, negation and conjunction are placed in the section after disjunction since theirs proofs use disjunction (although this is not required since definitions are conservative, see said section comment).

  1. wa
  2. df-an
  3. pm4.63
  4. pm4.67
  5. imnan
  6. imnani
  7. iman
  8. pm3.24
  9. annim
  10. pm4.61
  11. pm4.65
  12. imp
  13. impcom
  14. con3dimp
  15. mpnanrd
  16. impd
  17. impcomd
  18. ex
  19. expcom
  20. expdcom
  21. expd
  22. expcomd
  23. imp31
  24. imp32
  25. exp31
  26. exp32
  27. imp4b
  28. imp4a
  29. imp4c
  30. imp4d
  31. imp41
  32. imp42
  33. imp43
  34. imp44
  35. imp45
  36. exp4b
  37. exp4a
  38. exp4c
  39. exp4d
  40. exp41
  41. exp42
  42. exp43
  43. exp44
  44. exp45
  45. imp5d
  46. imp5a
  47. imp5g
  48. imp55
  49. imp511
  50. exp5c
  51. exp5j
  52. exp5l
  53. exp53
  54. pm3.3
  55. pm3.31
  56. impexp
  57. impancom
  58. expdimp
  59. expimpd
  60. impr
  61. impl
  62. expr
  63. expl
  64. ancoms
  65. pm3.22
  66. ancom
  67. ancomd
  68. biancomi
  69. biancomd
  70. ancomst
  71. ancomsd
  72. anasss
  73. anassrs
  74. anass
  75. pm3.2
  76. pm3.2i
  77. pm3.21
  78. pm3.43i
  79. pm3.43
  80. dfbi2
  81. dfbi
  82. biimpa
  83. biimpar
  84. biimpac
  85. biimparc
  86. adantr
  87. adantl
  88. simpl
  89. simpli
  90. simpr
  91. simpri
  92. intnan
  93. intnanr
  94. intnand
  95. intnanrd
  96. adantld
  97. adantrd
  98. pm3.41
  99. pm3.42
  100. simpld
  101. simprd
  102. simprbi
  103. simplbi
  104. simprbda
  105. simplbda
  106. simplbi2
  107. simplbi2comt
  108. simplbi2com
  109. simpl2im
  110. simplbiim
  111. impel
  112. mpan9
  113. sylan9
  114. sylan9r
  115. sylan9bb
  116. sylan9bbr
  117. jca
  118. jcad
  119. jca2
  120. jca31
  121. jca32
  122. jcai
  123. jcab
  124. pm4.76
  125. jctil
  126. jctir
  127. jccir
  128. jccil
  129. jctl
  130. jctr
  131. jctild
  132. jctird
  133. iba
  134. ibar
  135. biantru
  136. biantrur
  137. biantrud
  138. biantrurd
  139. bianfi
  140. bianfd
  141. baib
  142. baibr
  143. rbaibr
  144. rbaib
  145. baibd
  146. rbaibd
  147. bianabs
  148. pm5.44
  149. pm5.42
  150. ancl
  151. anclb
  152. ancr
  153. ancrb
  154. ancli
  155. ancri
  156. ancld
  157. ancrd
  158. impac
  159. anc2l
  160. anc2r
  161. anc2li
  162. anc2ri
  163. pm4.71
  164. pm4.71r
  165. pm4.71i
  166. pm4.71ri
  167. pm4.71d
  168. pm4.71rd
  169. pm4.24
  170. anidm
  171. anidmdbi
  172. anidms
  173. imdistan
  174. imdistani
  175. imdistanri
  176. imdistand
  177. imdistanda
  178. pm5.3
  179. pm5.32
  180. pm5.32i
  181. pm5.32ri
  182. pm5.32d
  183. pm5.32rd
  184. pm5.32da
  185. sylan
  186. sylanb
  187. sylanbr
  188. sylanbrc
  189. syl2anc
  190. syl2anc2
  191. sylancl
  192. sylancr
  193. sylancom
  194. sylanblc
  195. sylanblrc
  196. syldan
  197. sylan2
  198. sylan2b
  199. sylan2br
  200. syl2an
  201. syl2anr
  202. syl2anb
  203. syl2anbr
  204. sylancb
  205. sylancbr
  206. syldanl
  207. syland
  208. sylani
  209. sylan2d
  210. sylan2i
  211. syl2ani
  212. syl2and
  213. anim12d
  214. anim12d1
  215. anim1d
  216. anim2d
  217. anim12i
  218. anim12ci
  219. anim1i
  220. anim1ci
  221. anim2i
  222. anim12ii
  223. anim12dan
  224. im2anan9
  225. im2anan9r
  226. pm3.45
  227. anbi2i
  228. anbi1i
  229. anbi2ci
  230. anbi1ci
  231. anbi12i
  232. anbi12ci
  233. anbi2d
  234. anbi1d
  235. anbi12d
  236. anbi1
  237. anbi2
  238. anbi1cd
  239. pm4.38
  240. bi2anan9
  241. bi2anan9r
  242. bi2bian9
  243. bianass
  244. bianassc
  245. an21
  246. an12
  247. an32
  248. an13
  249. an31
  250. an12s
  251. ancom2s
  252. an13s
  253. an32s
  254. ancom1s
  255. an31s
  256. anass1rs
  257. an4
  258. an42
  259. an43
  260. an3
  261. an4s
  262. an42s
  263. anabs1
  264. anabs5
  265. anabs7
  266. anabsan
  267. anabss1
  268. anabss4
  269. anabss5
  270. anabsi5
  271. anabsi6
  272. anabsi7
  273. anabsi8
  274. anabss7
  275. anabsan2
  276. anabss3
  277. anandi
  278. anandir
  279. anandis
  280. anandirs
  281. sylanl1
  282. sylanl2
  283. sylanr1
  284. sylanr2
  285. syl6an
  286. syl2an2r
  287. syl2an2
  288. mpdan
  289. mpancom
  290. mpidan
  291. mpan
  292. mpan2
  293. mp2an
  294. mp4an
  295. mpan2d
  296. mpand
  297. mpani
  298. mpan2i
  299. mp2ani
  300. mp2and
  301. mpanl1
  302. mpanl2
  303. mpanl12
  304. mpanr1
  305. mpanr2
  306. mpanr12
  307. mpanlr1
  308. mpbirand
  309. mpbiran2d
  310. mpbiran
  311. mpbiran2
  312. mpbir2an
  313. mpbi2and
  314. mpbir2and
  315. adantll
  316. adantlr
  317. adantrl
  318. adantrr
  319. adantlll
  320. adantllr
  321. adantlrl
  322. adantlrr
  323. adantrll
  324. adantrlr
  325. adantrrl
  326. adantrrr
  327. ad2antrr
  328. ad2antlr
  329. ad2antrl
  330. ad2antll
  331. ad3antrrr
  332. ad3antlr
  333. ad4antr
  334. ad4antlr
  335. ad5antr
  336. ad5antlr
  337. ad6antr
  338. ad6antlr
  339. ad7antr
  340. ad7antlr
  341. ad8antr
  342. ad8antlr
  343. ad9antr
  344. ad9antlr
  345. ad10antr
  346. ad10antlr
  347. ad2ant2l
  348. ad2ant2r
  349. ad2ant2lr
  350. ad2ant2rl
  351. adantl3r
  352. ad4ant13
  353. ad4ant14
  354. ad4ant23
  355. ad4ant24
  356. adantl4r
  357. ad5ant12
  358. ad5ant13
  359. ad5ant14
  360. ad5ant15
  361. ad5ant23
  362. ad5ant24
  363. ad5ant25
  364. adantl5r
  365. adantl6r
  366. pm3.33
  367. pm3.34
  368. simpll
  369. simplld
  370. simplr
  371. simplrd
  372. simprl
  373. simprld
  374. simprr
  375. simprrd
  376. simplll
  377. simpllr
  378. simplrl
  379. simplrr
  380. simprll
  381. simprlr
  382. simprrl
  383. simprrr
  384. simp-4l
  385. simp-4r
  386. simp-5l
  387. simp-5r
  388. simp-6l
  389. simp-6r
  390. simp-7l
  391. simp-7r
  392. simp-8l
  393. simp-8r
  394. simp-9l
  395. simp-9r
  396. simp-10l
  397. simp-10r
  398. simp-11l
  399. simp-11r
  400. pm2.01da
  401. pm2.18da
  402. impbida
  403. pm5.21nd
  404. pm3.35
  405. pm5.74da
  406. bitr
  407. biantr
  408. pm4.14
  409. pm3.37
  410. anim12
  411. pm3.4
  412. exbiri
  413. pm2.61ian
  414. pm2.61dan
  415. pm2.61ddan
  416. pm2.61dda
  417. mtand
  418. pm2.65da
  419. condan
  420. biadan
  421. biadani
  422. biadaniALT
  423. biadanii
  424. pm5.1
  425. pm5.21
  426. pm5.35
  427. abai
  428. pm4.45im
  429. impimprbi
  430. nan
  431. pm5.31
  432. pm5.31r
  433. pm4.15
  434. pm5.36
  435. annotanannot
  436. pm5.33
  437. syl12anc
  438. syl21anc
  439. syl22anc
  440. syl1111anc
  441. mpsyl4anc
  442. pm4.87
  443. bimsc1
  444. a2and
  445. animpimp2impd