Metamath Proof Explorer

Table of Contents - 20.38. Mathbox for Alan Sare

We are sad to report the passing of long-time contributor Alan Sare (Nov. 9, 1954 - Mar. 23, 2019).

Alan's first contribution to Metamath was a shorter proof for tfrlem8 in 2008.

He developed a tool called "completeusersproof" that assists developing proofs using his "virtual deduction" method: His virtual deduction method is explained in the comment for wvd1.

Below are some excerpts from his first emails to NM in 2007:

...I have been interested in proving set theory theorems for many years for mental exercise. I enjoy it. I have used a book by Martin Zuckerman. It is informal. I am interested in completely and perfectly proving theorems. Mr. Zuckerman leaves out most of the steps of a proof, of course, like most authors do, as you have noted. A complete proof for higher theorems would require a volume of writing similar to the Metamath documents. So I am frustrated when I am not capable of constructing a proof and Zuckerman leaves out steps I do not understand. I could search for the steps in other texts, but I don't do that too much. Metamath may be the answer for me....

...If we go beyond mathematics, I believe that it is possible to write down all human knowledge in a way similar to the way you have explicated large areas of mathematics. Of course, that would be a much, much more difficult job. For example, it is possible to take a hard science like physics, construct axioms based on experimental results, and to cast all of physics into a collection of axioms and theorems. Maybe this has already been attempted, although I am not familiar with it. When one then moves on to the soft sciences such as social science, this job gets much more difficult. The key is: All human thought consists of logical operations on abstract objects. Usually, these logical operations are done informally. There is no reason why one cannot take any subject and explicate it and take it down to the indivisible postulates in a formal rigorous way....

...When I read a math book or an engineering book I come across something I don't understand and I am compelled to understand it. But, often it is hopeless. I don't have the time. Or, I would have to read the same thing by multiple authors in the hope that different authors would give parts of the working proof that others have omitted. It is very inefficient. Because I have always been inclined to "get to the bottom" for a 100% fully understood proof....

  1. Auxiliary theorems for the Virtual Deduction tool
    1. idiALT
    2. exbir
    3. 3impexpbicom
    4. 3impexpbicomi
  2. Supplementary unification deductions
    1. bi1imp
    2. bi2imp
    3. bi3impb
    4. bi3impa
    5. bi23impib
    6. bi13impib
    7. bi123impib
    8. bi13impia
    9. bi123impia
    10. bi33imp12
    11. bi23imp13
    12. bi13imp23
    13. bi13imp2
    14. bi12imp3
    15. bi23imp1
    16. bi123imp0
    17. 4animp1
    18. 4an31
    19. 4an4132
    20. expcomdg
  3. Conventional Metamath proofs, some derived from VD proofs
    1. iidn3
    2. ee222
    3. ee3bir
    4. ee13
    5. ee121
    6. ee122
    7. ee333
    8. ee323
    9. 3ornot23
    10. orbi1r
    11. 3orbi123
    12. syl5imp
    13. impexpd
    14. com3rgbi
    15. impexpdcom
    16. ee1111
    17. pm2.43bgbi
    18. pm2.43cbi
    19. ee233
    20. imbi13
    21. ee33
    22. con5
    23. con5i
    24. exlimexi
    25. sb5ALT
    26. eexinst01
    27. eexinst11
    28. vk15.4j
    29. notnotrALT
    30. con3ALT2
    31. ssralv2
    32. sbc3or
    33. alrim3con13v
    34. rspsbc2
    35. sbcoreleleq
    36. tratrb
    37. ordelordALT
    38. sbcim2g
    39. sbcbi
    40. trsbc
    41. truniALT
    42. onfrALTlem5
    43. onfrALTlem4
    44. onfrALTlem3
    45. ggen31
    46. onfrALTlem2
    47. cbvexsv
    48. onfrALTlem1
    49. onfrALT
    50. 19.41rg
    51. opelopab4
    52. 2pm13.193
    53. hbntal
    54. hbimpg
    55. hbalg
    56. hbexg
    57. ax6e2eq
    58. ax6e2nd
    59. ax6e2ndeq
    60. 2sb5nd
    61. 2uasbanh
    62. 2uasban
    63. e2ebind
    64. elpwgded
    65. trelded
    66. jaoded
    67. sbtT
    68. not12an2impnot1
  4. What is Virtual Deduction?
    1. wvd1
  5. Virtual Deduction Theorems
    1. df-vd1
    2. in1
    3. iin1
    4. dfvd1ir
    5. idn1
    6. dfvd1imp
    7. dfvd1impr
    8. wvd2
    9. df-vd2
    10. dfvd2
    11. wvhc2
    12. df-vhc2
    13. dfvd2an
    14. dfvd2ani
    15. dfvd2anir
    16. dfvd2i
    17. dfvd2ir
    18. wvd3
    19. wvhc3
    20. df-vhc3
    21. df-vd3
    22. dfvd3
    23. dfvd3i
    24. dfvd3ir
    25. dfvd3an
    26. dfvd3ani
    27. dfvd3anir
    28. vd01
    29. vd02
    30. vd03
    31. vd12
    32. vd13
    33. vd23
    34. dfvd2imp
    35. dfvd2impr
    36. in2
    37. int2
    38. iin2
    39. in2an
    40. in3
    41. iin3
    42. in3an
    43. int3
    44. idn2
    45. iden2
    46. idn3
    47. gen11
    48. gen11nv
    49. gen12
    50. gen21
    51. gen21nv
    52. gen31
    53. gen22
    54. ggen22
    55. exinst
    56. exinst01
    57. exinst11
    58. e1a
    59. el1
    60. e1bi
    61. e1bir
    62. e2
    63. e2bi
    64. e2bir
    65. ee223
    66. e223
    67. e222
    68. e220
    69. ee220
    70. e202
    71. ee202
    72. e022
    73. ee022
    74. e002
    75. ee002
    76. e020
    77. ee020
    78. e200
    79. ee200
    80. e221
    81. ee221
    82. e212
    83. ee212
    84. e122
    85. e112
    86. ee112
    87. e121
    88. e211
    89. ee211
    90. e210
    91. ee210
    92. e201
    93. ee201
    94. e120
    95. ee120
    96. e021
    97. ee021
    98. e012
    99. ee012
    100. e102
    101. ee102
    102. e22
    103. e22an
    104. ee22an
    105. e111
    106. e1111
    107. e110
    108. ee110
    109. e101
    110. ee101
    111. e011
    112. ee011
    113. e100
    114. ee100
    115. e010
    116. ee010
    117. e001
    118. ee001
    119. e11
    120. e11an
    121. ee11an
    122. e01
    123. e01an
    124. ee01an
    125. e10
    126. e10an
    127. ee10an
    128. e02
    129. e02an
    130. ee02an
    131. eel021old
    132. el021old
    133. eel132
    134. eel000cT
    135. eel0TT
    136. eelT00
    137. eelTTT
    138. eelT11
    139. eelT1
    140. eelT12
    141. eelTT1
    142. eelT01
    143. eel0T1
    144. eel12131
    145. eel2131
    146. eel3132
    147. eel0321old
    148. el0321old
    149. eel2122old
    150. el2122old
    151. eel0000
    152. eel00001
    153. eel00000
    154. eel11111
    155. e12
    156. e12an
    157. el12
    158. e20
    159. e20an
    160. ee20an
    161. e21
    162. e21an
    163. ee21an
    164. e333
    165. e33
    166. e33an
    167. ee33an
    168. e3
    169. e3bi
    170. e3bir
    171. e03
    172. ee03
    173. e03an
    174. ee03an
    175. e30
    176. ee30
    177. e30an
    178. ee30an
    179. e13
    180. e13an
    181. ee13an
    182. e31
    183. ee31
    184. e31an
    185. ee31an
    186. e23
    187. e23an
    188. ee23an
    189. e32
    190. ee32
    191. e32an
    192. ee32an
    193. e123
    194. ee123
    195. el123
    196. e233
    197. e323
    198. e000
    199. e00
    200. e00an
    201. eel00cT
    202. eelTT
    203. e0a
    204. eelT
    205. eel0cT
    206. eelT0
    207. e0bi
    208. e0bir
    209. uun0.1
    210. un0.1
    211. uunT1
    212. uunT1p1
    213. uunT21
    214. uun121
    215. uun121p1
    216. uun132
    217. uun132p1
    218. anabss7p1
    219. un10
    220. un01
    221. un2122
    222. uun2131
    223. uun2131p1
    224. uunTT1
    225. uunTT1p1
    226. uunTT1p2
    227. uunT11
    228. uunT11p1
    229. uunT11p2
    230. uunT12
    231. uunT12p1
    232. uunT12p2
    233. uunT12p3
    234. uunT12p4
    235. uunT12p5
    236. uun111
    237. 3anidm12p1
    238. 3anidm12p2
    239. uun123
    240. uun123p1
    241. uun123p2
    242. uun123p3
    243. uun123p4
    244. uun2221
    245. uun2221p1
    246. uun2221p2
    247. 3impdirp1
    248. 3impcombi
  6. Theorems proved using Virtual Deduction
    1. trsspwALT
    2. trsspwALT2
    3. trsspwALT3
    4. sspwtr
    5. sspwtrALT
    6. sspwtrALT2
    7. pwtrVD
    8. pwtrrVD
    9. suctrALT
    10. snssiALTVD
    11. snssiALT
    12. snsslVD
    13. snssl
    14. snelpwrVD
    15. unipwrVD
    16. unipwr
    17. sstrALT2VD
    18. sstrALT2
    19. suctrALT2VD
    20. suctrALT2
    21. elex2VD
    22. elex22VD
    23. eqsbc3rVD
    24. zfregs2VD
    25. tpid3gVD
    26. en3lplem1VD
    27. en3lplem2VD
    28. en3lpVD
  7. Theorems proved using Virtual Deduction with mmj2 assistance
    1. simplbi2VD
    2. 3ornot23VD
    3. orbi1rVD
    4. bitr3VD
    5. 3orbi123VD
    6. sbc3orgVD
    7. 19.21a3con13vVD
    8. exbirVD
    9. exbiriVD
    10. rspsbc2VD
    11. 3impexpVD
    12. 3impexpbicomVD
    13. 3impexpbicomiVD
    14. sbcoreleleqVD
    15. hbra2VD
    16. tratrbVD
    17. al2imVD
    18. syl5impVD
    19. idiVD
    20. ancomstVD
    21. ssralv2VD
    22. ordelordALTVD
    23. equncomVD
    24. equncomiVD
    25. sucidALTVD
    26. sucidALT
    27. sucidVD
    28. imbi12VD
    29. imbi13VD
    30. sbcim2gVD
    31. sbcbiVD
    32. trsbcVD
    33. truniALTVD
    34. ee33VD
    35. trintALTVD
    36. trintALT
    37. undif3VD
    38. sbcssgVD
    39. csbingVD
    40. onfrALTlem5VD
    41. onfrALTlem4VD
    42. onfrALTlem3VD
    43. simplbi2comtVD
    44. onfrALTlem2VD
    45. onfrALTlem1VD
    46. onfrALTVD
    47. csbeq2gVD
    48. csbsngVD
    49. csbxpgVD
    50. csbresgVD
    51. csbrngVD
    52. csbima12gALTVD
    53. csbunigVD
    54. csbfv12gALTVD
    55. con5VD
    56. relopabVD
    57. 19.41rgVD
    58. 2pm13.193VD
    59. hbimpgVD
    60. hbalgVD
    61. hbexgVD
    62. ax6e2eqVD
    63. ax6e2ndVD
    64. ax6e2ndeqVD
    65. 2sb5ndVD
    66. 2uasbanhVD
    67. e2ebindVD
  8. Virtual Deduction transcriptions of textbook proofs
    1. sb5ALTVD
    2. vk15.4jVD
    3. notnotrALTVD
    4. con3ALTVD
  9. Theorems proved using conjunction-form Virtual Deduction
    1. elpwgdedVD
    2. sspwimp
    3. sspwimpVD
    4. sspwimpcf
    5. sspwimpcfVD
    6. suctrALTcf
    7. suctrALTcfVD
  10. Theorems with a VD proof in conventional notation derived from a VD proof
    1. suctrALT3
    2. sspwimpALT
    3. unisnALT
  11. Theorems with a proof in conventional notation derived from a VD proof
    1. notnotrALT2
    2. sspwimpALT2
    3. e2ebindALT
    4. ax6e2ndALT
    5. ax6e2ndeqALT
    6. 2sb5ndALT
    7. chordthmALT
    8. isosctrlem1ALT
    9. iunconnlem2
    10. iunconnALT
    11. sineq0ALT